Chapter: 41

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(Backstory: Michael turns one and Joan throws him a small yet eventful 1st birthday. She went to school to get her interior decorating license, and signed the divorce papers. Out of nowhere an old friend shows up and Joan finally opens up to get out.)

(Start scene: Joan and the kids was over by her parents house for dinner. She knew she had to ask them to babysit, but she didn't want them too much in her business. She waited until her dad took the kids in the other room. She went to help her mother do the dishes, and break the news to her.)

Carol: What is it?

Joan: What you mean?

Carol: You only help me with the dishes when you want something, so what is it?

Joan: (sigh) Ok fine, I need you and dad to watch the kids for me Saturday.

Carol: Ouu a date?

Joan: No, just going out with an old friend.

Carol: Ok, is it a man or a woman?

Joan: It's a guy mom, someone I've known for a long time.

Carol: Is he cute?

Joan: Why does that matter, will you watch them or not?

Carol: I will keep them, and please try to have a good time.

Joan: Thanks mom, and I will try.

Carol: Now go on and get my babies home.

Joan: I love you mom.

Carol: Love you too hunni.

(Joan collect her bunch and heads home. On her way there's she gets a text from Davis. Once home she got everyone baths, and they was in bed and sleep by 9. She ended up calling Davis instead, and they talked on the phone for a good while.)

(Saturday had come and the kids was gone. The ladies was over to help, a nervous wreck Joan find something to wear. She had been through 6 outfits and Maya was close to slapping her.)

Maya: Joan it's just Davis, wear some cute jeans and a dressy top.

Lynn: Why you so nervous, it's just two friends hanging out?

Joan: I know that, it's just been along time since I been out, and with someone different.

Monica: Why don't you wear the 3rd outfit. That top was giving, yes I'm single but no sex on the first date.

Maya: I agree, a little breast is always good.

Toni: Take it from me, these girls always got me what I wanted.

Joan: Ok, I think I found the perfect outfit.

(Joan comes out the closet and the ladies whisle and make cat calls. She spends 30 minutes doing her makeup and hair. The ladies had left, so she can focus and calm herself before she went to meet him.)

(She decide to drive to not make it seem like they where not going on a date. It was just two friends enjoying eachother and some small talk. She pulls up at the restaurant and walks in. Davis was waiting for her at the front entrance, so she smiled and walked towards him.)

Davis: Good evening Joan.

Joan: Hello Davis.

Davis: Come, our table awaits.

Joan: This place is nice, I love the outdoor scenery.

Davis: I figured we could enjoy some fresh air while eating.

Joan: It's been so long since I've been out, without the ladies.

(They sit and someone comes to take they order. Joan feeling a bit awkward looks at Davis and smile.)

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