Chapter 8

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(Backstory: Lynn has found her a new manager and things are looking up, and turns out he has a thing for her. Joan and William are opening up a new location for the J-Spot in Vegas. And Aaron and Joan are working on adding to their family but they both have been busy.)

(Start scene: After Aaron left the diner, Joan leaves right behind him to go buy a test and wait on Brandon to call. She heads back to the restaurant where Monica is at the bar.)

Monica: Hey girl!

Joan: Hello Monica how is everything?

Monica: Well the delivery came in today and we need more vodka.

Joan: What I ordered some when I put in the order for the food.

Monica: Umm no you didn't and I have the receipt to prove it.

Joan: Let me see that!

(Joan looks at the receipt and notice she sure as hell didn't order the vodka.)

Joan: Dammit!

Monica: I told you to let me do it.

Joan: How could I forget.

Monica: You have been forgetting alot lately, are you ok?

Joan: (wave it off) Yes, just been busy lately and..

Monica: You need a break hunni.

Joan: I really do, but that will have to wait until after the grand opening.

Monica: 2 weeks.

Joan: Yes, and to be honest I'm I'm ready for it to be over.

(In that moment William walks in.)

William: Hey ladies.

Monica: Hi hunni.

Joan: Hello William.

William: So would anyone tell me why we have no vodka in this restaurant?

Monica: Joan!

Joan: I forgot to order it Ok.

William: Well we open in an hour, you bets to be going get some since you forgot.

Joan: Do we really need it?

William: (yells) YES woman it's one of our best seller.

Joan: (jumps) Ok, ok I'm going no need to yell.

William: (laugh) I just wanted to see your reaction, now get to moving.

Joan: Bye William!

(Joan walks out grabbing her purse and make her way to the liquor store. Once she got enough bottles for the next couple days, she stops by the drug store to pick up two pregnancy tests. She heads back to work and William helped get the vodka out of her trunk. In an hour they was up and running and today turned out to be a good one at the J-Spot.)

(It was around 11 when Joan finally made it home and to her surprise Aaron was up.)

Joan: Babe your still up?

Aaron: Yeah, we have something very important to do.

Joan: (sigh) Ok, let me get settled and then I will take them.

(Joan a nervous wreck now, heads upstairs with Aaron behind her as they head to the bedroom. Joan runs a bath as she opens the tests and looks at them.)

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