Chapter: 30

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(Backstory: Joan and Aaron are on their wedding anniversary vacation in Aspen. Things was going great, until a familiar face interrupt they happy vibe. Keith and his wife Shannon was also there. They agreed to have dinner but things don't go as planned. Maya was home prepping dinner to have her mom, and new found father over. After that disaster of a dinner, Aaron and Joan got into an argument. The next morning Joan went out on a jog and a incident almost costed her.)

(Start scene: In Aspen, Aaron has just made it back to the cabin after they picked up Joan's meds. He turns off the engine and looks over at Joan, and she's just looking out the window. He gets out and makes his way on her side, and open her door.)

Aaron: Come on baby.

(She doesn't say anything just let him help her out and inside. He was about to escorted her upstairs but she stops him.)

Joan: No, I'm going to the other room.

Aaron: Joan...

Joan: No, just bring me to the other room ok.

Aaron: Your really doing this?

Joan: I'm tired, I just want to get some rest.

(Aaron shakes his head at her stubbornness, and helps her to the room she slept in. She sits on the bed, and begin to remove her coat and hat.)

Aaron: You need anything?

Joan: No, I'm just going to get some sleep.

Aaron: Are you hungry?

Joan: No!

(He gives her a look before he walks out and goes to get her pj's. He comes back, and place them on the bed next to her.)

Aaron: Need help?

Joan: I've got it.

(He sigh walking out but staying by the door in case she needs him. She begin undressing until she got to her bottoms. She knew she had to take her boot off, and her ankle hurt like hell. He could her her grunting and struggling, fed up he went in and kneeled down.)

Aaron: I got it.

Joan: Aaron I don't need your help.

Aaron: Then why are you breathing hard and sweating.

Joan: It's hot in here.

Aaron: Just let me help you.

Joan: Fine!!

(He carefully takes the boot off and inspect her ankle. He bends down, and slowly place a kiss on the swollen part. Once she was undressed, he helps her into her bottoms and replace the boot.)

Aaron: Now, you got the rest on your own.

Joan: Thank you!

Aaron: No need, that's what I'm suppose to do, we take care of eachother.

Joan: (yawns) I think I'm going to lay down for a little while.

Aaron: Ok, just call me when you need anything.

Joan: Ok!

(He kiss her forehead and left to give her some space. After she's done getting dressed, she scoot back on the bed and get under the covers. She ended up falling to sleep, as soon as her head it the pillow. She sleep for two hours until she felt a hand on her shoulder.)

Aaron: Hey wake up for me.

Joan: Mmmmm.

Aaron: Joan wake up, I need to check your temperature.

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