Chapter: 20

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(Backstory: Lynn has a gathering at her place just to hang out and catch up. Toni is in town from her mom's funeral, and she decides to stay until after Christmas. Joan and Aaron have Christmas alone with her parents to keep any drama down.)

(Start scene: After Christmas, the next morning Joan wakes up in pain. She sits up and gasp as she feel a tighten on her left side. She looks to her right to see Aaron side empty. Feeling the pain again, she calls out and pray that Aaron hears her. After a few seconds she hear footsteps and then is voice.)

Aaron: Bae, it's just a.....(looks at her) what's wrong?

Joan: I don't know, I felt this tightening and it got hard on my left side.

Aaron: Do you still feel it?

Joan: Not at the moment.

(They sit in silence and wait, a few minutes later it does it again.)

Aaron: Has it done that before?

Joan: No, I would tell you if it did. Maybe it was from what we did lastnight.

Aaron: Ok, I think we should go and see what's happening.

Joan: What if somethings wrong?

Aaron: We cant think like that, come let's get dressed.

Joan: I need to call Dr. Wallace.

(Joan calls Dr. Wallace while Aaron find him some clothes. He looks in Joan's drawer and get her some bottoms. After she was done talking to Dr. Wallace, he helps her into her pants.)

Joan: She said to come as soon as possible.

Aaron: Ok, everything will be fine.

Joan: (getting emtional) We don't know that Aaron, what if...

Aaron: (hugs her) They are fine, and they will stay that way until we have them both in our arms ok!

Joan: Ok! Come on I'm ready, just have to brush my teeth.

Aaron: Ok, I'll be right here.

(Joan goes in the bathroom to brush her teeth. Once she's done, her and Aaron make they way to the doctors office. After they are there and has checked in, a nurse brings them straight to a room.)

Nurse: She will be with you shortly.

Joan: Thank you.

Aaron: Thank you!

(She closes the door.)

Joan: God bae I'm so nervous.

Aaron: Just stay calm, hiw are they doing in there?

Joan: Their moving, but that's because of the stress.

Aaron: Ok, I'm going to hold you to calm you down.

(Joan nod as he walk up to her and stand between her legs. He moves close and wraps her up in his arms and kiss her forehead. Once she had calmed down, they left to go see Dr. Wallace. Aaron makes it there in 15 minutes, and they make they way inside.)

Aaron: Hi, we're here to see Dr. Wallace.

Receptionist: Ok, your Joan and Aaron rightfully?

Joan: Yes!

Receptionist: I'll let her know your here.

Aaron: Thank you!

(They go sit in the chairs and wait for a good 5 minutes, before she calls them to the back. Once in the back Joan goes to sit on the bed and her vitals are taken.)

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