Chapter: 15

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(Backstory: In New York Toni finally confronts Issac about why he's he's coming home late. The conversations takes a left when he gets all defensive and she never got her answer. Joan parents shows up after they trip to ask her why she didn't tell them what happened. After clearing the air she is finally able to tell them about the baby.)

(Start scene: It is a Tuesday morning and things was all over the place. William lost a big case and he has been moody all day. Monica was at work trying to run the restaurant and book a big event for a large business owner. Joan and Aaron are at the doctors office waiting to be called to the back.)

Aaron: I wonder will we be able to tell the sex today.

Joan: I'm only 12 weeks babe, I read it's not until 20 weeks.

Aaron: I'm so ready, it's like a Christmas gift waiting to open it.

Joan: Well you will have to wait a little longer.

(After 15 minutes they are called to the back to sit to wait for Dr. Wallace to come. Joan skips through a magazine as Aaron points to the pictures on the wall and he makes a noise.)

Aaron: Wow that's how big your body would have to open to umm push the baby out.

Joan: (laugh) Yes, isn't the female body amazing.

Aaron: Your not scared, I mean I know women do this all the time but this is our first.

Joan: I'm terrified but I'm more excited more than anything.

Aaron: I wonder how long it takes for it to go back to normal.

Joan: 6 weeks!

Aaron: (scratch his head) 6 weeks, your joking right.

Joan: Nope, but we have alot of time before that happens so enjoy while you can.

(He gives her an evil look and walks up to her as she watch him.)

Joan: What are you doing?

Aaron: Enjoying it while I still can.

(He moves between her legs and and kisses her neck and her jawline, he run a hand over her bump.)

Joan: Aaron we're at the doctors office and she could walk in at any minute.

Aaron: She's probably with another patient, so that give me 5 minutes.

Joan: (moves his hand) Aaron, no stop it.

Aaron: (kisses her) Relax!

(She giggle as he bites her chin and then moves back to her neck leaving sweet kisses. Before he could pull back Dr. Wallace walks in and stops as she sees them.)

Dr. Wallace: Well, isn't this is how you two got into this situation.

Aaron: (jumps back) Dr. Wallace hi!

Joan: (chuckle) Hi Dr. Wallace.

Dr. Wallace: Hello, don't mind me it's good to see, most men don't even come with there wives or girlfriends.

Joan: Wow!

Dr. Wallace: Ok I need you to lay back and pull up your shirt for me so we can see your baby.

Joan: I'm so excited.

Aaron: Here let me help you.

(He helps her lay back and tuck her shirt for her before taking her hand and kissing it. Dr. Wallace put some gel on her belly and turns on the ultrasound machine.)

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