Chapter: 23

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(Backstory: William has found out his wife was having secret conversation with another man. Joan and Aaron has finally got the twins room done and had everything packed. Toni realized that someone had stole money from her. Joan was at home when she goes into labor and freaks out.)

(Start scene: Carol has come back and Joan has been having contractions every 20 minutes. Dr. Wallace was in the room to give joan an epidural, to ease her pain after being in labor for 10 hours.)

Joan: (moans) Hmmmm, it hurts Aaron! It hurts so much.

Aaron: I know baby, your doing so good.

Dr. Wallace: Ok Joan, we are going to do the epidural before we break your water ok.

Joan: Ok, thank god because I don't know how much more pain I can take.

Aaron: Your doing great baby.

Carol: You are one step closer to holding those precious babies in your arms.

Joan: (leans on Aaron) I know.

(Aaron rubs her back as Dr. Wallace people her for the epidural. She was just about to stick her when a contractions rips through her.)

Joan: Oh god, mmmmmmmmmm.

Aaron: Breath baby!

Joan: (cries) Im trying, Aaron it hurts.

Dr. Wallace: deep breaths Joan,  just focus on the babies and not the pain.

Joan: (breath out) Ok!

(Once it was over Dr. Wallace works fast but careful to insert the needle. Joan gasp as she feel the sting and burning, as she feel her babies move.)

Dr. Wallace: Almost done Joan, your doing so good. You should start to feel a coldness feeling and then all your pain will disappear.

Joan: I can feel it.

Aaron: (kiss her head) That's my girl.

(Once Dr. Wallace was done, Aaron helps Joan lay back down, as Dr. Wallace wait until the medicine kicks in. In 15 minutes Joan was smiling and finally was able to breath without pain.)

Joan: Oh I'm in love.

Dr. Wallace: I take it, it has kicked in.

Joan: Oh yeah, whoever came up with this stuff I owe them a kiss.

Aaron: Ok, slow down now.

(Joan laughs at his reaction.)

Carol: I'm just happy to see a smile on your face. It's hard seeing your child in pain and you can't do nothing.

Joan: You just being here is enough mom.

Dr. Wallace: Ok Joan, it's time to break your water to speed up your labor.

Joan: Ok, I'm so ready.

Dr. Wallace: Aaron I'm going to get her to lay back, and I need you to help with her legs.

Aaron: Ok, anything I can do to help.

(Once Joan is laying down Aaron opens her legs so Dr. Wallace can pop her bag. After a few seconds alot of fluid starts to run out of Joan's vagina, and on the pad.)

Dr. Wallace: Good job dad, now I'm going to change these pads and we can sit her back up.

Joan: I just ready to hold and kiss them.

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