Chapter: 26

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(Backstory: It's has been six long weeks, and Joan was finally about to get the clear from her doctor. Joan was a nervous wreck, because of some of the insecurities she had about her body. Her and Aaron had planned a nice night out, to reconnect after having the twins.)

(Joan and William's restaurant businesses are thriving and bringing in alot of money. Maya is blowing up and is working on another book, as well as taking care of her family. Lynn and Brad had decided to push their wedding back, because of some Bare one month away from getting married, and she couldn't be more happy. An Toni life is about to spiral out of her control.)

(Start scene: It's been one year since the twins were born, and everything has been going great. Aaron was the number one principal at Calibourne High. He was the first one up, so he gets up to brush his teeth before checking on the girls. He walks in they room to see them both up and playing with a toy in they crib.)

Sky: Dada!

Bri: Dada!

Aaron: Hey girls, happy birthday.

Sky: Up!

Aaron: Ok, let's go wake mommy ok.

Bri: Mama!

Aaron: Yes, mama.

(They both gets up and reach for him as he scoops them up. He changes them, and kiss they cheeks before heading back to his room. He walks to the bed and place Bri down as she crawls over to her mom.)

Bri: (gets on her) Mama wake.

Joan: Mmmm.

(Sky joins her sister as they both climb on joan, and place wet snobbery kisses on her face.)

Sky: Mama up.

Joan: (laughs) Ok I'm up!

(She sits up and they move into her arms as she kisses their head.)

Joan: Morning my babies, and happy birthday.

Aaron: Morning.

Joan: (gives him a look) Morning handsome, so what are the plans for today?

Aaron: We have a fun day for you girls.

Joan: I can't believe their one already, seems like yesterday when I held them in my arms.

Aaron: We can always make more.

Joan: Funny, I think we are just fine.

(Aaron poutsan gets on the bed laying his head on her lap.)

Aaron: Please, just one more.

Joan: Can we talk about this later, today is about them.

Aaron: (smiles) Ok, Well I'm going to go start breakfast.

Joan: Ok, we will be down after we brush our teeth, right girls.

Aaron: Oh, I changed them already.

Joan: Thanks baby.

(They just snuggle up to her and smile as Aaron make funny faces. He then leans in, and kisses Joan before he kiss they little feet. As he goes down stairs Joan gets up and carry them to the bathroom. She brush their little teeth, and then hers before they head downstairs.)

(In New York, Toni was just getting home from work when Gabby came into the kitchen.)

Toni: Hey Gabby, where's Morgan?

Gabby: Umm she's in her room, Ms. Childs can I ask you something?

Toni: Sure.

Gabby: while I was giving Morgan her bath, I noticed a small bruise on her back.

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