Chapter: 28

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(Backstory: Joan and Aaron tries to adjust with two one year olds running around. They are really feeling the effect, of not having those special moments together. Maya father shows up at her doorstep on her 35th birthday, and it opens up a can of worms. Toni is going through hell, and everything she has worked for as fallen.)

(Start scene: The next few months goes by, and Lynn has been trying to call Toni but has only gotten texts. In New York, things has been eye opener for Toni, and she's in so deep she has no way out.)

Toni: How could you do this to me?

Issac: Do what, we're family now so what's yours is mine.

Toni: I trusted you, you took everything I've worked for. I have the IRS threatening to throw me in jail, for money.

Issac: Toni your business was going down anyway baby, I just helped it along.

Toni: I want you out of my house.

Issac: (walks up to her) I'm not going anywhere, as far as I'm concerned you need me.

Toni: I don't need you, I will get me a good lawyer and I'm going to fight.

Issac: Try me, you do not want to play with me Toni.

(Toni walks up to him and gets in his face.)

Toni: Your not going to get away with this, I'm going to take you down. Everyone will know what a sad, sorry, bum you...

(Before she could finish her sentence, he draws his arm back and smacks her in the face. Toni shocked holds her cheek as she looks at Issac.)

Issac: You will never talk to me like that ever again, you hear me.

Toni: (gets mad) I know you did not just put your hands on me.

Issac: I did, I'm the man of this house and your going to respect me.

Toni: I'm not about to do any....

(He smacks her again, and this time she falls to the floor. He kneel down beside her as she touch her face.)

Issac: Now! From now on you and your little brat will show me some respect. I'm the man of this house and I am in control of everything. The money, this relationship, and you so if I was you I would listen.

Toni: (looks at him) Or what?

Issac: You will suffer the consequences, and if your not careful I will find a more delicate target.

Toni: You will not touch a hair on her head.

Issac: As long as you act right I won't, now why don't you be a good girl and go make us dinner huh. And don't try anything because I will know. I know you wouldn't want to go crawling back home poor.

Toni: Why are you doing this?

Issac: It was easy actually, all you care about is good looking men and money. You should learn to be more like your good old friend Joan, I must say how good she looked pregnant.

Toni: You son of a bitch, you won't get away with this.

Issac: I already have, now go make me my dinner and it better not be burnt.

(Toni watches him as he turns to leave out of the door. She makes sure he is gone before she finally breaks down. Morgan, hearing the argument walks in and up to her mother as she cries.)

Morgan: Mommy!

Toni: (wipes her tears) Yes baby.

Morgan: Is Issac mad again?

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