Chapter: 19

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(Backstory: Toni's mom has passed from stomach cancer, and it has brought everyone out to show her love. Joan kept her promise to Veretta to check on Toni to make sure she was ok. Lynn put a night together so everyone could come over and have a good time.)

(Start scene: After Joan had finished putting Jordyn down after she fed her, she goes back to the sofa. Aaron had fixed her a plate so she wouldn't have to move to much. He goes back to fix his, and he decided to introduce himself to Toni.)

Aaron: Hi I'm Aaron, Joan's husband!

Toni: (looks at him) Hi I'm Toni, but I'm sure you know that already.

Aaron: I mean I know the other ladies, so it wasn't hard to figure out.

Toni: Well I'm sure nothing good I'm guessing?

Aaron: Not really, it seem it's off limits to talk about you.

Toni: (laugh) Good to know I still have some effect on people.

Aaron: Well I just wanted to introduce myself and finally meet the infamous Toni Childs.

Toni: Well it's great meeting you Aaron.

(Aaron nod then walk back over to Joan as she watches from the sofa. Just as Joan was about to eat, Morgan walks up to her and just stands there looking at her.)

Morgan: Hi, you Joan.

Joan: (hesitate) Yes I am, and your Morgan.

Morgan: You know money.

Joan: I do, remember when you was a teeny tiny baby.

Morgan: Why your belly big?

(Joan looks up and see Toni watching her and she looks back down.)

Joan: That's because I have two babies growing in there.

Morgan: Babies like Jo.

Joan: Yes like Jordyn.

Morgan: Your really pretty.

Joan: So are you, it's really good seeing you again.

(Morgan puts her hand on her belly.)

Morgan: It's hard.

Joan: (laughs) Yes, like a basketball.

Aaron: You want to feel them move?

Morgan: Yes!

(Aaron leans down and start talking to the twins to make them move. After a few seconds Joan feels a movement and it causes Morgan to scream with excitement.)

Morgan: I felt them.

Joan: Exciting huh.

Morgan: Again?

(She place her hands back in the spot and the babies kick again. She looks up and smiles at Joan, as she feel the thump against her hands.)

Toni: Morgan hunni can you come sit at the table and eat please.

Morgan: Ok mommy! I have to go eat now.

Joan: (smiles) Ok!

(Morgan walks off and her mom helps her into a chair. She place her plate in front of her, and sit down next to her. After Joan is done eating, she gets up to go to the restroom again. After she's done she comes out and run into Issac who is waiting.)

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