Chapter: 40

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(Backstory: Joan finds out she's pregnant after Aaron leaves. She goes through a very traumatic time almost losing her life. The ladies are getting older and finding new things that excites them. Toni finally decided to give dating another try. And the kids are getting big and are coming into their own.)

(Start scene: Today Mikey makes one year old, and he is every bit of his father. Joan just planned something small with a few kids and hopefully turns out great. Joan had filed for the divorce two months ago, and now she's just waiting. She walks into her son room just as he was waking up.)

Joan: Good morning Michael.

Mikey: Mama up.

Joan: (picks him up) Happy Birthday my love.

Mikey: Mama Mama!

(Joan kisses his cheeks as he giggles, placing his hands on her face. She kiss his hand before she walks out the room.)

Joan: Why don't we go check on the girls hmm.

Mikey: Sissy.

Joan: Yes, I guess they decided to sleep in late.

(Joan walks to their room ad opens the door. Sky is half hanging off the bed and Bre was buried under the covers.)

Joan: Girl it's time to get up.

Mikey: Wake up!

(She walks over to Sky and tap her leg making her wake up. She goes and pulls the cover off of Bre.)

Joan: Girls come on, we have a great day planned ahead.

Sky: Mom I'm still so sleepy.

Bre: And it's Saturday.

Joan: Yes, but it's also your brother birthday and I need your help with the balloons.

Sky: 10 more minutes mom please.

Bre: (pouts) Please mommy.

Joan: Fine, but I want to see you both up when I come back.

Them: Yes ma'am!

(Joan leaves out and head downstairs, she sits Mikey in his high chair. She takes out a few items to do a small breakfast. In 15 minutes the girls was coming down the stairs.)

Them: Happy Birthday Mikey!

Mikey: Sissy's.

(He leans over in his high chair to hug his sisters. They hugs him and kiss his cheeks, as he giggles. Joan watches them as she smile at the love they have for one another.)

Sky: I wish dad was here.

Bre: He's coming home soon.

Joan: (looks at her) Who told you that?

Bre: Daddy did, he comes to me in my dreams.

Mikey: I dream too.

Joan: Ok girls why don't you help mommy set the table.

Them: Ok!

(After the table was set and breakfast for done. They sat around the table ate as they talked about school, and 8th birthday. Once the was done, Joan had them go change to get ready for the birthday party. The party started at 3, and all the kids and their parents came.)

(The party went on for about 3 hours, full of candy and cake. By the end of the party Mikey went down for the night. Joan was in the kitchen saving up the rest of the food, when the ladies came in.)

Maya: I must say that was one hell of a party.

Lynn: I don't see how she does it.

Monica: Yeah I see why I only have one kid. I almost pushed someone son down foe picking on Kobe.

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