Chapter: 36

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(Backstory: Aaron takes Joan out on a much needed date. Which quickly turns, sour after a phone call from Kim. Joan becomes drunk and starts to let her feelings out. Once home she confront him about, and he finally has come clean. He tells her about him going to therapy and his depression.)

(Start scene: Months has passed and things were just getting worse for Joan and Aaron. He has been looking for work, but would always get turned down. And it was beginning to take it's toll on Joan, but especially Aaron himself. Joan comes home on her break to check on Aaron, and to get some paperwork.)

Joan: Hey.

Aaron: Hi.

Joan: How did the interview go?

Aaron: I think it went well.

Joan: Well you know if it doesn't work out, you can always come work for me.

Aaron: (gives her a look) Now why would you say that? Is that what you want, me to stay stuck here miserable.

Joan: (shocked and confused) Aaron baby I was just kidding, of course...

Aaron: Well it's not funny Joan, and why would I want to work there?


(They look at eachother for a few minutes before Joan turns and get what she came for and leaves. Aaron now feeling like an ass sigh and kicks the table.)

(Joan makes it back to work and see Maya and Lynn there. She just looks at them and heads to her office, she's not in the mood. She wasn't alone for 2 minutes, before they bust through her office door.)

Maya: My mama said it's rude to not speak when you enter the room.

Lynn: (agrees) Yeah, and that was rude.

Joan: Look I'm not in the mood ok.

Maya: (makes a face) Ughhhh, what's wrong with you?

Joan: Nothing, I'm just tired is all ok.

Lynn: I don't believe that, it's like your trying to convince yourself, by convincing us.

Maya: What is it?

Joan: I'm fine guys really.

Lynn: Aaron having issues again?

Joan: (looks at Maya) Maya really?

Maya: What, I had to much to drink and it slipped out.

Joan: Yeah, I'm sure it did. Poor ole Joan, has finally ran Aaron crazy and now he can't even perform in bed yada-yada.

Lynn: Umm I wasn't talking about that, but if you want to share I'm here too listen.

Joan: Then what were you talking about?

Lynn: Look Joan, I can only guess how hard this is for you guys. I mean Aaron hasn't really been himself, and the girls told me that he gets mad sometimes.

(Joan first time hearing this from someone else, puts her head in her hands. She sits there and just try to take everything in, and she finally breaks.)

Maya: (moves to her) Joan, you can talk to us.

Lynn: We only want to help, in anyway.

Joan: I just don't know what else to do. I've been patient, I've giving him space and time. I'm trying not to complain and make it all about me, but at some point when will this be over. I know I'm not experiencing the same pain as him, but it still hurt to know there is nothing I could do. I just want my husband back, I want what we had before all of this crap started.

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