Chapter: 11

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(Backstory: Joan and Aaron was almost two years away from their second wedding anniversary. While Joan went upstairs Joan phone went off and Aaron seen it was from someone of Joan's past. It caused a big fight between them and Aaron leaving the house. While Aaron was gone Joan was a complete mess and on top of that she finds out she's pregnant.)

(Start scene: It's been a week since Joan found out she was pregnant and she didn't know what to do next. The medication Dr. Wallace gave her seem to lessen the nausea. She was at work just getting done with a big event.)

Joan: Today have been a day.

William: Tell me about it, I think I had 3 drinks wasted on my shirt.

Joan: Yeah, I threw up twice from someone cologne.

William: Have you reached out to Aaron yet?

Joan: No, not yet but I will.

William: How's the move coming along.

Joan: Well there's a hold on the house because come to find out it needs a new roof, and hot water heater.

William: How long will that take?

Joan: A month at least.

William: Well if you need help.packing or moving I'm your guy.

Joan: Thanks William!

(Once the event was over they cleaned and locked the doors and headed to they homes.)

(The next few days William have been trying to catch Aaron either out somewhere or at Mike's. One day he got lucky and seen him at this diner up the street from his job. He hurry and gets out and walks in just when Aaron seen him.)

Aaron: Go away William.

William: No, your going to hear me out.

Aaron: I don't have to do anything.

(He gets up and got ready to leave out when William said something that stops him in his tracks.)

William: Joan's pregnant!

Aaron: (stops and turn) What did you say?

William: I said your wife is pregnant.

Aaron: Then why haven't she told me?

William: She gave up trying to reach you, she didn't see the point in calling.

Aaron: I don't believe you?

William: Then don't, but she's going through it right now and she's thinking about moving.

Aaron: (walks back to him) Moving where?

William: Look I didn't come here to rat her out but I know Joan, and she doesn't hold on to something that doesn't want to be held on too.

Aaron: It's probably not mine anyway.

William: Now do you even believe that, look I have to get going I just thought you should know.

(William walks out leaving Aaron to sit there and think about what he just said. He finally gets up after 5 minutes and makes it back to Mike's house.)

Mike: Hey man what's up?

Aaron: Nothing, just came from getting some food.

Mike: Why you look like someone stole your favorite toy?

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