Chapter: 35

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(Backstory: Aaron PTSD starts to act up again from the shooting incident. It has caused damage to his left shoulder, and had left him depressed. Joan starts to suspect that Aaron could be cheating on her.)

(Start scene: So they are at the restaurant and is having a great time. They was waiting on they food to be brought out.)

Aaron: I'm surprised we haven't gotten a call from the girls yet.

Joan: I'm guessing they are having the time of their life.

Aaron: I can only imagine.

(They continue to talk and laugh until they food arrives. After the waiter leaves they dig in and Joan let's put a moan.)

Joan: Mmm, oh my god!

Aaron: What is it that good?

Joan: Yes, you want to try some.

Aaron: Yeah!

(Joan puts some on her folk and reaches over and feeds him some of her food. He makes a noise shaking his head.)

Aaron: Yeah that is good.

Joan: Right, so how's everything coming along at work?

Aaron: Well I've only been back a few days, but everyone is happy to see me back.

Joan: That's good, I know how much it means to you.

Aaron: Yeah and now I can finally take care of my family.

Joan: (gives a look) What you mean by that?

Aaron: I'm talking financially Joan.

Joan: Aaron you know that not.....

Aaron: I know, but it makes me feel less of a man to not be able to provide for my family.

Joan: Your not, just be happy your here because you could have easily not be.

Aaron: Yeah, .but you and the girls would have been straight.

Joan: Don't say that, no amount of money is worth you not being here Aaron.

Aaron: Shhh!

(The couple from the next table looks their way.)

Joan: Sorry!

Aaron: Maybe you should lay off the wine. I'm going to go use the restroom.

(He leaves to go to the restroom while Joan finished her food. As she was about to call the waiter over, Aaron phone rings. She looks and see "Kim". It stops but then a text message comes and good thing she could see it. It read "Hey missed you tonight, maybe we could get together tomorrow". After seeing the text Joan suspension was confirmed. Hurt, deceived, and upset, she pours another glass and downs it. Aaron makes his way back to the table and sit down.)

Aaron: Hey are you getting any dessert?

Joan: (tipsy) No, I'm ready to go.

Aaron: Why something happened?

Joan: No, I don't want to much food on my stomach.

Aaron: Ok, but...

(Aaron stops talking when he sees his wife empty the rest of the wine in the glass and drinks it. Joan set the glass down, and starts to feel the effects of the wine coursing through her.)

Joan: Ok, done now we can go.

Aaron: Are you ok?

Joan: Fine!

(Aaron noticing the change in joan calls for the check. Once he has paid she gets up but almost trips. She catches herself and continues out of the restaurant. Aaron makes it to her just when she was about to walk out the door.)

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