Chapter 2

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(Backstory: After Joan gets a letter from Aaron saying he's coming home, she makes sure everything was done. She is a nervous wreck because they been apart for 8 months and it's all like new again. She picks him up from the airport and they make they way home.)

(Start scene: It was the morning after and Aaron is the only one up, watching Joan as she slept. He brings a hand up and slowly runs it down the middle of her back.)

Joan: Mmm, what are you doing?

Aaron: Just admiring my beautiful fiancée.

Joan: Aaron it's (looks at the clock) 7 in the morning, I'm sure I look a mess.

(He leans over her and rolls her over, she smiles up at him as he kiss her.)

Aaron: Goodmorning.

Joan: Morning, why are you up so early?

Aaron: I need to go meet with my supervisor and sign off on my paperwork.

Joan: You need me to come with you?

Aaron: No, it will only take a few minutes and then I will be back.

(He kisses her again and then kiss down to her neck, he moves down her body.)

Joan: Aaron....

Aaron: Shhhh, just feel.

(He pus the covers over his head as he pulls up her nightgown and slips off her panties. He opens her legs and place sweet kisses to her skin, from her hip to her inner thighs. Joan has her eyes close as she feels everything he's doing. Catching her off guard he gives her pussy a long lick before he suck her clit.)

Joan: (grasp the pillow) Ohhh.

(He continues to get her off as he enjoys every taste and sound she makes. She brings a hand under the covers and place it on his bald head as grinds in his face. After a few more minutes, he finally brings her over the edge as she clamps her legs shut squeezing his head.)

Joan: (moans) Mmmm baby.

Aaron: (caress her legs) Baby I can't breath.

Joan: (looks down) Oh I'm sorry.

(He moves up until he's face to face and kisses her.)

Joan: Mmmm.

Aaron: I couldn't resist.

Joan: No argument here!

Aaron: (chuckle) I bet!

(He lay next to her and pulls her close as he bury his face in her neck, as she run her hand up and down his arm.)

Joan: What time do you have to leave?

Aaron: Im leaving here around 10, and I was thinking maybe we could go eat lunch somewhere.

Joan: I'd love that, it will be like old times.

Aaron: It's a beautiful day out.

Joan: It is, I need to get up.

Aaron: Let me guess the ladies are coming over, to welcome me back right.

Joan: Yes, and to be nosey.

Aaron: (laughs) Those ladies are....

Joan: A hot mess I know.

(They laugh as they lay there for just a few more minutes before getting up and starting they day. Joan takes her a shower before finding her a pair of jeans and a loose shirt to put on. She heads downstairs to make some tea and fix breakfast. As she starts cooking she hears keys in the door and the ladies walk in.)

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