Chapter: 31

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(Backstory: Joan and Aaron went to Aspen for their anniversary, and things didn't go well. She ended up with a badly sprung ankle, and a cold after their argument. Toni is finally done with Issac and his controlling ways. William talks with his friend, and he has all the information he needs. Maya and Jojo visit Joan and the girls for a few hours, and Maya plan a girls night. Toni is on her way back to La to handle her business and get her life back.)

(Start scene: It is the day of the girls night, and Maya had everything they needed. Lynn showed up two days ago and surprised them, she was helping Maya set up.)

Lynn: I can't believe Jojo has gotten so big.

Maya: Yeah, it's amazing watching her, everyday it's something new.

Lynn: She's smart too, she tried to trick me out of my candy bar.

Maya: Yea, her brother taught her that trick.

Lynn: It looks like I came back just in time, I love touring but I am exhausted.

Maya: When you go back?

Lynn: Damn trying to get rid of me aready?

Maya: Of course not, not yet anyway.

(Lynn gives her a look.)

Lynn: So I heard your father showed up.

Maya: Yeah, he's a pretty decent guy, I thought I could have him but I cant.

Lynn: Trust me I know the feeling.

Maya: Jojo adores him, and Jabari makes him play his video games.

Lynn: How's your mom taking it?

Maya: She's dealing with what she did, but I think it was to protest the both of us.

Lynn: Things a mother would do for her child.

Maya: I'm just grateful I get this time with him, and I finally get the closer I need.

Lynn: (hugs her) I'm happy for you Maya, so what else needs to be done?

Maya: Umm I think thats it, my mom is getting the kids tonight. Darnell is going to peanut for awhile, and we are going to turn up.

(It was after six when the other dies showed. Joan and Monica walked throught the door, with a bag in her hand.)

Joan: Hey ladies!

Monica: Hi!

Lynn: Hello mama's.

(Joan walks up to Lynn and hugs her.)

Joan: I've missed you Lynn.

Lynn: Yeah, not so tight Joan I need air.

Joan: Sorry, I'm just happy the gang is back.

Monica: Maya where can I put these?

Maya: Their should be room in the refrigerator.

Joan: So where's everybody else?

Maya: This is it bitch, I don't have money to be spending like that. This is our girls night, us with some food, liquor, and games.

Monica: No kids I don't care what this is, I need a drink.

Lynn: how my godbabies?

Joan: (laugh) Given Aaron hell.

Monica: Yeah, William and Kobe should be over there, their having a men's night.

Joan: Well good luck to them, Maya ca you fix me a drink please but not to much vodka.

Maya: Sure, would you like ice ad a lemon with that.

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