No one but you |l.m|

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Smuttt dom/sub is basically
most of what I write this has breath play (slightly), edging, a little degradation and mommy kink (I think lol I don't feel like reading through it again)
Lou's POV
I was chatting with a few women at the bar when I felt eyes on me from across the room. I tried to turn around but not all the way so as to not look suspicious. I saw it was Debbie glaring at me disapprovingly and I was so confused.

But I could tell she didn't want to be there any longer so I asked my best bartender to close up so I could leave. He agreed and I thanked him generously. "Alright we're free to go babe" I said walking over to her she just nodded and headed for the door.

I watched the motion of her hips as she walked and as soon as we hit the door I grabbed her arm. I spun her around and pinned her against the wall to kiss her. She pulled away saying "not now Lou" I pouted a little but we got in the car and started to head home.

She was silent the entire ride which wasn't like her. The few times I glanced over she was just blankly staring out the window. "Is something wrong my love?" I asked concerned "nope" she said matter-of-factly. I shrugged assuming she'd tell me later if it was really important.

I pulled into the garage and opened the door for her she just looked at me. We got into the house and went up to shower and such when she turned to me and finally spoke. "Look I wasn't going to say anything but it's been bothering me for a minute actually."
"What is it babe?" I asked innocently hoping that she wasn't breaking up with me.

Debbie's POV
I saw her talking to bitches all night long, laughing and giggling. Flashing the irresistible smile of hers just flirting up a storm. "So you were talking to quite a few women at the bar tonight" I said. "Well yeah I do run the bar... so I try to make small talk" she replied nervously chuckling.

"Yeah that was more than just small talk it was basically flirting" I said "What do you mean? I wasn't flirting with anyone. I can't help it if girls fall at my feet" she said laughing but when looked at my face she immediately stopped. "This isn't a joke Lou, I'm dead ass serious" I said now starting to get mad.

She came over to where I was standing by the door and grabbed my face. "Baby, I only want you ok? You are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. No matter how many women I talk to at the bar you're the only one I want" she said sincerely.

"Yeah but you also picked me up at that bar" I said remembering how we first met. She was so charming and sweet and I couldn't resist her, the faint scent of perfume still lingered in my nose like it was happening all over again. "You're different Deb... that's why I love you" she said looking into my eyes.

She knew I couldn't stay mad at her especially when she looked at me like that. Her eyes drew me in close to her and I pushed her onto the bed.

Lou's POV
She damn near knocked all the breath out of me and I looked at her knowing she had something up her sleeve. She looked down and smirked at me and I could already feel myself getting wet. "You've been a bad girl today, you know what that means?" She asked never taking her eyes off of me "No I don't" I said sarcastically.

She quickly made her way over to the bed and put one of her hands tightly on my throat. I moaned and she said "You need to be punished" I bit my lip ready for whatever was coming my way. "Get undressed. Now. And don't play with me" she said sternly. As I began taking off my clothes she made her way to the closet.

After a few minutes that felt like forever she came out in black lingerie. A two piece that showed all her curves, I admired all of her looking her slowly up and down. She slowly walked over to the foot of the bed and stared into my eyes like she was searching my soul.

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