Birthday wishes |c.a + b.e|

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Today is Carol's birthday and both you and Brie have decided not to mention it. You talked beforehand about making plans, but you want everything to be a true surprise. You wake up first and head to the kitchen, making breakfast like you usually do. Every year on birthdays you make rainbow sprinkle pancakes but you don't this time. Brie wakes up next, heading to the bathroom for a shower and to freshen up.

The infamous tv personality gets dressed and as she slips on her heels, the blonde beauty stirs in the bed. "Good morning, darling" Brie says, "thank- I mean... good morning" Carol says and Brie smirks to herself in the mirror. "Breakfast smells good, see you down there" Brie says, placing a kiss on Carol's forehead before leaving the room. Carol is utterly confused, picking up her phone and checking the date just to make sure she's not losing it.

She frowns but tries to stay positive, rushing through her morning routine to head downstairs and greet you both. She notices that you weren't there when she woke up, which isn't an uncommon thing since you usually are the first to wake and make breakfast. However, you usually give her a kiss or something like that to tell her you're getting up. She finally makes it downstairs and sees Brie whispering something in your ear that makes you giggle.

Carol smiles, loving to see her girlfriends so happy. You hand Brie a to-go plate which is when Carol begins to get skeptical. She places a kiss on your cheek and then she sees Carol, smiling and heading over. "I'm so sorry I can't eat with you but I can't get out of work today since it's such late notice" Brie says and Carol tilts her head in confusion. "Your birthday" Brie states and Carol smiles a bit realizing that she hadn't forgotten, "I only remembered yesterday and it was too late to get me covered but I promise I'll be done by dinner" she gives Carol a kiss and rushes out.

Carol doesn't know whether to feel relieved or upset, Brie remembered but only yesterday. She decides to go over to you, wrapping her arms around you from behind to bring her some comfort. "Well, good morning sleepyhead" you tease, "morning" Carol sighs. "You ok, baby?" you ask softly and the older woman shrugs as you switch off the stove and turn around. "What's wrong, hun?" you gently brush hair out of her face and she pouts a bit, "do you have to work too?" she whispers and you shake your head quickly.

You start to think that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to try and surprise her because she seems pretty bummed. You didn't think it would affect her so much since she isn't really big about her birthday but obviously it's having an impact. "I made reservations tonight at Takara" you say and her eyes light up a bit, you know it's one of her favorite places that's why you picked it. "Now sit, I just have to take the bacon out the oven" you say and she nods before giving you a kiss and practically skipping over to the table.

You smile to yourself, fixing both your plates and sitting across from her after setting her plate down. She looks down at the pancakes and blushes, you used chocolate chips to make a smile and strawberries cut into hearts for the eyes. You lean over and put a dollop of whipped cream in the middle for a nose and she giggles. One thing you've always loved about Carol is her often child-like humor, you'd be surprised the things that amuse her.

"I don't know if she told you but Brie said that she'd meet us at the restaurant — or home if we're still here when she's done" you say and Carol nods, humming as she digs into her food. You both finish breakfast with you insisting to wash the dishes. Carol feels good that at least one person remembered to plan ahead. Part of her is still worried though because Brie is very big on birthdays and such. It gets her wondering if something has happened at work to make her stressed and therefore forget.

On top of that Brie is the extravagant one of the bunch, which means she buys the best gifts and does the big celebrations. The older blonde is partially relieved, not wanting to make a big fuss of things, but still something nags at her. "What do you say we go shopping? This new boutique just opened up on 5th Ave and I think you'd really like it" you suggest and she absently agrees, thinking shopping might take her mind off things. You could tell she was in her head and needed a distraction, you can also get her to talk about what she's feeling once she's in a better mood.

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