Drunk as a skunk |k.w|

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Kate told me earlier that she was going over to her friend Ally's house for a little get-together. She asked if I wanted to come but I really wasn't in the mood, so I let her go ahead. I already knew by how excited she was that she was gonna get drunk. It's not often that she goes out, so I don't mind when she maybe has a little too much fun

Sometimes she stays the night and other times she comes home. On the rare occasion, I have to go pick her up. Tonight is apparently one of those nights. As I'm laying in bed, my phone starts ringing and I turn over to pick it up. "Hello" I say, my voice groggy as I was trying to fight sleep in case Kate called.

"H-hi... y/n? Yeah, I think you need to pick up Kate" Ally's voice rings through the phone, stuttering as she giggles. "Ok, I'll be right there" I sigh as I get up, "great. See you soon" Ally says before hanging up. I quickly grab my keys and purse so I have my ID. I get in the car and rub my eyes, starting it up and heading that way.

Once I arrive I turn the car off and get out. Walking slowly to the door and knocking on it a bit harder than usual as I can hear the music. "COMING" I hear and chuckle softly. The brunette swings the door open and pulls me inside, putting a finger to her lips. I nod and follow her further in the house to see my wife standing on the coffee table.

She swings her head back and forth as she sings Don't Rain On My Parade by Barbara Streisand. I watch with my hand over my mouth as she throws her head back. Bending down and singing loudly with a brush in her hand like a mic. "Where Oz?" I ask in a whisper to Ally, "a friend's" she replies softly.

Both of us never taking our eyes off the red head signing passionately to an invisible audience. I mean she's not the best singer, but she tries her best. I'm actually surprised, I've never heard her sing this good. Drunk Kate is very different to say the least. I turn the music down, breaking her out of her performing trance.

"Hey!" Kate exclaims, turning to me as she hops off the table. Having to catch herself as she almost completely loses her balance. "W-what'd ya do that forrr? Who are you anyway, huh?" She hiccups as she comes closer and points her finger to my chest. I gently wrap my hand around her finger and put her hand down.

She just stares at me with a pout on her face. "It's time to go home, love" I suggest softly, "home? I don't even know you... you could at least buy me a drink first" she giggles. Ally shakes her head in amusement and walks over, taking the brush out of Kate's hand. "Hey! You're ganging up on me with the s-stranger now?" She questions incredulously, crossing her arms.

"Honey, that's y/n. Your wife" she reminds her, Kate's jaw drops. She pulls Ally closer by her shirt and starts whispering not so quietly. "T-that's my wife?" She asks, "yes, darling" Ally answers trying not to laugh. "Holy smokes she's pretty... you're so pretty" she says the last part louder.

"So are you, sweetheart. Now come on, let's get home" I giggle, "Ally I'm so nervous... w-what am I gonna do? You c-can't let me go. I'm gonna m-make a fool of myself" she 'whispers'. "She already married you, babe. I'm pretty sure she knows" Ally says back in the same loud whisper. "O-ok" Kate gulps, turning to me and slightly stumbling over.

"I'm ready" she voices, standing up a bit straighter and burping quietly. "Sorry" she mumbles, I just chuckle and reach out my arm for her. She takes it and looks back at Ally mouthing something that makes her giggle. The brunette leads us to the door and makes sure we get in the car safe before waving us off.

"Y-y/n?" Kate whispers, "yes, baby" I reply, turning to her as we're at a red light. She blushes and looks down playing with her hands. "Thank you" she mutters, "it's no problem, sweetie" I assure her. "We're r-really married? Like actually..." she asks, "yep" I answer, raising my hand to show her my ring.

She subsequently lifts her hand and her mouth falls open again. "Oh my god, oh my god" she squeals and I just giggle. We arrive at the house and she jumps out before I can open her door. "I'M MARRIED TO THE MOST GORGEOUS WOMAN IN THE WHOLE WORLD! SUCK ON THAT" she yells.

"Baby, as happy as I am that you love me. You have to be a bit more quiet, there are people sleeping" I chuckle, carefully ushering her towards the door. "Right, right. Sorry. I just can't believe it" she whispers as we get in the house. "Me either, love. Me either" I chuckle, helping her up the stairs and to the bedroom.

I help her change and we get in the bed. She scoots close and grips onto me tightly, laying her head on my chest. "I love you so much" she whispers, "I love you too, honey" I tell her. I run my fingers through her soft hair and place a kiss on her temple. "I can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm the luckiest girl in the world" she gushes.

I smile widely and bite my lip as her soft snores reach my ears. Things are certainly never dull when she's around, that much is certain.

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