Wish you were mine |l.m|

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Summary: Lou is in love with Tammy but the latter doesn't know it so reader has to tell her

Tammy has been begging you to hang out with her other friends and you've finally agreed. You normally don't do this because in the past, mixing friend groups hasn't worked out well. However, after hearing about what sounds to be a love triangle—you're way too invested to not meet them. "Ready?" Tam asks and you nod, grabbing your wallet and following her to the car.

Tammy told you before about how she used to date one of her friends; ok she said they weren't dating, just hooking up as friends with benefits. Either way she was shagging her and another friend, Lou, seemed pretty jealous about it. Her and the Debbie girl broke it off you guessed and ever since things have been kinda weird between the three of them. The blonde finds it amusing, she doesn't understand why the two won't just get together.

Essentially, she wanted you to tag along to figure out what was going on so she would know how to get them together. "You look hot, I hope you know that" Tammy smirks before closing my door and walking around to the driver side. "None of them better hit on you, I might fight them" she states and you chuckle because Tam is definitely a lover not a fighter.

"Yeah right. If anything they'll be all over you. You're smoking hot" you tease, placing a finger on her arm and inhaling sharply as you shake your hand acting like you've been burned. She giggles and blushes a bit as she shakes her head and backs out the driveway. The blonde and you have always had a playful relationship like this since you met; it's one of the most characteristic parts of your friendship.

You arrive at the notorious loft she's told you about and she lets herself in so you follow. "Hey guyssss" she chirps as you both enter and they all turn to look at you. The woman you assume to be Lou, rounds the corner and enters the room. "You didn't tell me she was so sexy" you whisper as you nudge Tammy and she looks at you confused until you gesture with your eyes. She follows your line of sight and giggles loudly as she shakes her head.

"This is y/n everyone. Y/n/n, this is Lou" she turns to you and winks subtly as you squeeze her hand. "That's Debbie, Daphne, Rose, Amita, Constance, and... where's-" "yooo" you turn to see a woman coming down the stairs and your jaw almost drops. Her hair sways the slightest bit and she walks with such confidence. "Who are you?" she asks as she reaches the bottom, "nine, this is y/n. Y/n/n this is nine ball" Tam announces.

"Nice to meet you all" you say politely and most of them utter back some greetings. "Tam can never stop talking about you. I was wondering when we'd finally meet the infamous y/n" Daphne jokes and you turn to see Tammy look at you as she smiles. You turn to glance around the room and see another blonde's eyes on you. You smile at Lou and she smiles awkwardly before looking away.

Your eyebrows furrow a little bit because Tammy has never described her as shy, but they've also known each other for a long time so you brush it off. "Well here I am" you chuckle, "so... tell us about yourself, dear—aside what we've heard from Tammy already" Rose says poking fun at the blonde as well.

"You guys act like I don't talk about anything else" Tammy says, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. "Don't worry, honey. I'm flattered that I'm always on your mind" you smirk and she side eyes you while fighting a smile. "But I'm pretty average; I don't know what she would even have to talk about" you shrug, "you are not average" she's quick to say.

"Well, how did you two meet? I'm sure that's an easy one" Amita asks, "hmm... we met at the cinema" you think aloud. "I hate this story" Tammy says as she sinks back into the love seat you're both perched on, "really? It's my favorite one to tell" you grin teasingly and she nudges you. "Please make it quick" she mumbles, "oh I'm absolutely going to take my sweet time" you smirk and Constance sits up gesturing for you to go on.

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