Hela x Reader

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I'm currently hiding out under a piece of fallen wreckage while the whole kingdom is under siege. I'm not a warrior and I'm definitely not as brave and ambitious as the other citizens who decided to fight. As I shake in fear I hear screaming and can see things being set ablaze in the distance.

I close my eyes tightly and whisper to myself over and over that it's going to be ok. I feel the sun begin to heat up my body so I open my eyes and am met with a beautiful woman.

She's in green and black with a magnificently terrifying spiked crown. My lip trembles as I stare up at her and move to a sitting positions. Her hand raises and I close my eyes and turn away preparing myself. "Oh darling... I'm not going to hurt you" she says and I open my eyes to look at her hesitantly. I nervously swallow, my mouth feels so dry.

"I'm Hela" she says and it all comes flooding back. "Y-you're the one that d-did this" I say backing away from her a little.

"Well... I guess I do have to take responsibility for that bit don't I? I promise I won't hurt you though" she says sincerely. If I didn't know who she was I would really think she's a sweet lady. "H-how am I supposed to know that" I ask, she pushes her crown back to reveal her stunning long black hair.

"I never let anyone touch my hair... but you can" she says nervously. I reach out my hand and grasp a few strands, as she closes her eyes I can see how vulnerable she is.

She's such a sweet woman... what happened to her? "O-ok... I believe you" I stutter as I put my hand back in my lap. She opens her eyes and smiles softly at me. "Come. You must be exhausted" she says reaching out her hand to help me up. I take it and she pulls me to my feet, I stumble as the running beforehand really tired me out. "Here... can I carry you?" She asks as she reaches her arm out.

I go to shake my head but she picks me up anyway and I latch onto her for dear life. She chuckles before walking us to the palace which is about the only building still intact. She walks me thorough various hallways before opening the door to a bedroom. She lays me gently on the bed before pouring me water from the bedside table. "Drink" she says leaving no room for arguing and I oblige chugging the whole glass.

"Someone's thirsty" she jokes and I look down shyly. She gets in the bed next to me and strokes my hair softly. "Do you remember grade school at all?" She asks and I look at her confused. "Well yeah I guess" I mumble and she nods while smiling.

"I used to sit behind you in history class... I was always to scared to approach you. You were so beautiful then and now even more so" she confesses. "Wait... I remember you" I whisper as I assess all her features.
She grins at me before caressing my cheek, "I'm not scared anymore... I want you" she whispers dearly.

I watch her as her eyes flicker to my lips, "you have an entire kingdom..." I shake my head. "What is life without love? Someone to share it with" she proposes. "You really want me? Of all people?" I question her. "You've always been the only one I want and need" she says softly as her hand stops to cup my cheek lovingly.

"You're serious?" I ask hesitantly, "as serious as their belief that they could beat me" she gestures outside with a chuckle. "You know I would always stare at you..." I said thinking back, "you were the most beautiful girl in the whole kingdom. I thought you'd never like me back so I just never talked to you. It took me so long to get over you and I still never dated anyone else" I said sadly.

"What about now? Are you still over me?" She asks looking deep into my eyes. "I never truly was, I just told myself that so it wouldn't hurt so much when you disappeared" I whisper. "My father sent me away, I would've never left had it not been for him" she promises. "If I fall in love with you... you have to promise me you won't leave like that again" I say with tears in my eyes.

"I promise, my love. I will never let anyone take me away from you" she whispers as her face inches closer to mine. I close the gap and am transported into the most breathtaking kiss. This is what I've been waiting for my entire life, her. We both pull away and look into each other's eyes filled with love. "Let's sleep my queen" she says as I rest my head on her chest.

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