One more time pt.2

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I yawn as I feel myself waking up from the best rest of my life. I slowly open my eyes feeling arms wrapped around me. I smile knowing it can only be one person. I turn over carefully so I can admire her face if only for a few seconds before she wakes up.

Within a minute her eyes are fluttering open. "Good morning" I whisper as I watch in excitement, waiting for her beautiful eyes to shine. I smile widely as I see those bright blue, world-stopping, eyes.

"Good morning" she mutters, her tired state making her accent shine through even more. I giggle as I wrap my arms tighter around her. "Someone's feeling better" she says before kissing the top of my head. "You always make feel better" I whisper as I kiss her chest.

We lay in silence, just holding onto each other and soaking up the moment. I hear her sniff and look up to see her nose wiggling. "Uh... Lou" I say confused and her eyes dart to mine. "Yes, baby" she replies, god I love how easily that rolls of her tongue... like honey.

"What are you sniffing for?" I ask funnily and she rolls her eyes. I always tease her about her acute sensitivity to smell. All in love considering I have it to. "Food" she says simply, I take a quick sniff and jump out the bed. I reach out for her hand as she looks at me shocked by my quickness.

"Hey in my defense, you know how I love food" I express before she can speak. She takes me hand allowing me to help her up before stretching. I stretch too feeling a bit tight. *snap* *crackle* *pop*. We both look at each other and start giggling.

"Was that me or you?" Lou asks and I shrug, "probably both" I reply. She nods and we head into the bathroom to brush our teeth. I watch her in awe as she makes the weirdest every day things look like a magical ritual.

"Are you gonna watch me the whole time or brush your teeth?" She asks tilting her head back so the toothpaste doesn't fall out. I look down seeing the y/f/c toothbrush in my hand with the paste spread delicately over the surface.

I chuckle and quickly brush my chompers before rinsing my mouth out. We walk towards the door and she opens it letting me exit first. We make our way to the stairs and she takes my hand, intertwining our fingers. I look at her curiously, she just smiles and winks.

I smile shyly and descend the stairs with her hand in hand. "Good morning" she says loudly, her Aussie accent unintentionally booming through the floor. "Well good morning to you too or should I say you two" Tammy says gesturing towards us.

Everyone shares looks and smiles as we walk over to the table. We share conversation as we eat, laughing at everything and nothing. I'm so happy I can't help the permanent smile on my face.

I turn towards Lou once we're finished eating and just trace her face with my eyes. Debbie whispers something to Tammy making the burst out in a fit of giggles. "Hi baby" lou says taking me out my mini daydream.

"Hi" I whisper as I bring my right hand up to her face. "I love you" I mutter before kissing her gently on the cheek. She turns my face slightly and captures my lips with her own in a passion-filled kiss. "And I love you" she says looking into my eyes with sincerity.

"Oh get a damn room would ya?" Constance grumbles making all of us laugh.

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