I dare you |l.r|

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Lilith and I have been... acquaintances for a while now. I definitely wouldn't call us besties, we barely have any relationship at all. I first met her at this odd little show one night in an exclusive club. Afterwards, I hung around and found out that she was a psychiatrist. I have my own personal feelings about those — as do most people I presume.

Though I decided not to judge a book by its cover. I mainly just watched her from afar, observing her the same way she did to others. Except, in a way, my version was less invasive. I found myself curious as to what her practices were like in real time. Which leads me to my current position, sitting in her anteroom waiting to be called.

The big double doors slide open and I see her appear between them. The sunlight perfectly shines on her features, making her appear to be a literal Barbie doll personified. I stand up with a soft smile and approach her, stalled for a moment as her arm blocks my way. I meet her gaze and feel a shiver run through my body.

I definitely understand her appeal, her stare is like no other I've ever met. We finally enter the office, the doors clicking softly behind us. I make my way over to the chair and take a seat, my eyes following her as she sits in her chair. "So, what brings you here?" she asks, "I was just curious I guess" I shrug. "Curiosity killed the cat" she smirks in reply, "is that what you tell your clients? They'll die for wanting to learn more about themselves" I inquire.

"Of course not. However... you don't feel there's anything else to know about yourself. You're here to learn about me" she states confidently, my eyes darting to her legs re-crossing. "You think I didn't notice the way you stared at me? Practically bursting with curiosity" she teases and I chuckle lightly. "I think you love the attention. Wearing those fancy gowns... not showing too much, so you attract the eyes of exactly the type you like" I use my opinions to antagonize her, hoping to get the reaction I want and I know she sees it.

"You think you've got it all figured out, don't you?" her voice drops lower and I'm suddenly very aware of my heartbeat in places it doesn't typically venture. She stands up, walking over to a small table, "scotch?" she offers but I decline. She takes it in one gulp then walks back over but instead of going to her chair, she stops in front of me. "You never answered my question, little one" she mumbles and I look up at her, knowing that she's loving this power dynamic.

"I do, yes" I answer, "and who am I then, huh? What do you know about me that you'd like to express? At least try to tell me something I don't know" she whispers while leaning down to grip the armrests and trap me in. I remain silent as I think, never taking my eyes off hers no matter how much I want to shy away. "Well? I'm waiting — and might I add... I'm not a very patient woman" she leans closer and bites her lip which draws my eyes to it.

"You like to intimidate people to make yourself feel stronger. You exude this dominance — confidence... as a mask to make people think you're more than you are. And who are you? Well, I think you're just a girl with mommy issues who made a living off her trauma response of being able to read people" I state and I see her lip twitch but in the blink of an eyes it's gone, her hand wrapped around my neck. "We could test just how strong I am..." she says threateningly, "I never said you were weak but if you need to prove it... do it" I taunt.

I smirk when I notice the anger in her eyes and when the confusion breaks through, I chuckle darkly. "What... are you scared? Don't be a pussy" I say in a mocking tone and her grip tightens, "ohhhh kinky, I see" I moan while looking directly into her eyes. "You're so easily set off... I wonder why that is" I force out, "shut up" she says before pressing her lips against mine. I close my eyes and hum as she takes over, my hands pulling her hips so she straddles me.

Her free hand lands on my waist while her grip on my neck loosens. She pulls away and wipes my lip, smirking as her eyes lower to my chest. "I see you're not talking anymore" she chuckles, "do you kiss all your patients?" I counter. She leans in to my ear and my eyes flutter closed, "only the pretty ones" she whispers. When I open my eyes she's back in front of me smirking, I assume at my submissive state. "You think I'm pretty?" I ask, betraying my previous demeanor but needing to be reassured.

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