Quiet the voices |hela|

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I really don't like this, definitely not my best work but it's something I guess

Hela Odinsdottir: Odin's first born, rightful heir to the throne, goddess of death, and my wonderful girlfriend. She may waltz around striking fear into the hearts of her opponents and anyone who happens to be near but to me, she's the sweetest woman I've ever met. No matter how long her days or sleepless her nights, she always makes time to check in on me.

Not a day goes by where I don't cherish and devote myself to her. Doing any and everything I can to make her life easier. It's tough being so strong, expected to carry the world on your shoulders. She wears it well but even the fiercest of warriors need love to settle their minds. Today is packed full of activities for my queen and of course I'm eager to be right by her side.

"Listen up you lousy scoundrels" she calls out and the city center falls silent, all eyes on the love of my life. She proceeds to go on about a battle strategy, explaining their best means of survival and plans to strike. She sets up times to spar and go through certain drills; stressing the importance of precision and synchrony.

It doesn't fall on deaf ears, she commands the attention of all those around her and we listen intently to every word that falls from her lips. The same lips I have the privilege of claiming night and day as my own. "Darling?" I'm awoken from my daydreams, having drifted off into sweet bliss at the sound of her heavenly voice—ironic, isn't it?

"Hi" I whisper with a dreamy smile and she smirks at me, "what are you so happy about? You're suddenly so interested in war tactics" she chuckles deeply. "I just like hearing you speak" I shrug, "is that so?" she counters as she swipes me off my feet and into her arms. I giggle softly as I wrap my arms around her neck and lean up to kiss her.

She dominates, per usual, and I allow myself to succumb to her charm; taking great pleasure in all she has to offer as we trek our way back to the palace. I've always found it interesting how she can navigate her way through familiar territory with her eyes closed; whether that be home on Asgard or in Hel. "You know... I've noticed something recently" I voice as we reach our bedroom and she sits down with me in her lap.

"And what's that, my dear?" she asks softly as we stare into each other's eyes. "Even when you're talking about death... your voice brings me comfort. It reminds me that I'm safe and...,the things that would normally make me uneasy or fearful, don't seem so scary anymore" I confess and for a moment it's silent, only our breath penetrating the stillness.

With a simple pull of my fingers through her long black hair, she seems to come alive again. "How did I get so lucky with you?" she murmurs, "must be that irresistible charm of yours. The better question is how did I get so lucky with you?" I counter. "I guess you were persistent enough to get my attention" she teases before kissing me softly and I smile into it.

"You've made me quite soft... but I like it" she whispers, "I like it too" I agree and she shakes her head in amusement. "I never knew my voice could be calming or that I could have other reasons to fight other than the joy of it" she mumbles, "what do you mean?" I ask curiously as I rest my head on her chest and she moves to a lying position to accommodate me.

"I used to only fight because it was what was expected of me or because it made me feel alive, until I met you. Now that I have something to come home to... I hate going away on conquests. There's no need when all the joy I could possibly want is right here..." she strokes my hair and I blush. "Then I found the real reason for my fight: to make a safe world for you and our daughter" she whispers, one of her hands finds itself on my belly and I put mine over it.

"As long as you feel safe, I know I must be doing something right" she places a kiss on my forehead and I tilt my head back to look up at her. "You're doing all the things right" I whisper, a shiver running through me as her nails graze my scalp. I feel little kicks in my stomach and I move Hela's hand so she can feel them. "Apparently she wants to be in on the conversation too" I giggle, "I love you, both of you, so much" she mumbles and I look up to see she has tears in her eyes.

"Hey... don't cry, honey. You'll make me cry" I sniffle, "I'm just so... so grateful for you. You saved me, my love" she places a lingering kiss on my lips and I can taste the tears that have freshly run down her cheeks. I lift a hand to wipe them, she closes her eyes and smiles lightly. "I can't remember a time before you where I wasn't just filled with inexplicable rage at all times" she recalls distantly.

"Whether or not I acted upon those impulses—which usually I did—there was always that feeling of needing combat to feel less lonely. Even if I was standing alongside warriors who would give anything to see me die... the victories we had because of me just made me feel like I had purpose in the world" I listen carefully as I stroke her hair and she pauses to smile down at me.

"Then you came along and quieted all those voices in my head. You accepted me for who I was—even if that changed constantly, and you only wanted me to be happy. I know in my heart that if I were to give up fighting today, you would still love me. Even despite the death I cause, you love me either way and I've never experienced that kind of unconditional affection from anyone; it's... overwhelming at times but still, I wouldn't trade it for anything" she grins.

"Awwww you're really gonna make me cry, babe. I do feel that way and it's because I know you have a good heart. You've made my life something I find worthwhile and I'm so glad we found each other. You make me excited for what's to come and I just know our little one will love you so much—not possibly as much as me" she chuckles, "but certainly a lot" I giggle.

"Remind me why I haven't taken you as my wife?" she teases, "because 'taking me' is what got this one here" I smirk as I gesture to my belly. "Very funny, my love. I suppose if you don't want to..." my eyes widen, "wait wait! I never said that" I stress. "Easy there, darling. I don't want you stressing out my little warrior. I was going to say we don't have to have any ceremony, I will just tell them all you are my wife" she states proudly.

I blush and smile goofily at the sound of that and hearing how confidently she says it. "I mean what will they say in opposition of..." I prompt, "the Goddess of Death" she says funnily while tickling my stomach and making me giggle. "I love you, Hela" I smile as I stare into her eyes dreamily and she moves some hair out my face. "I love you more... wife" she smirks, "I like the sound of that" I whisper before capturing her lips with mine.

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