Lilith x Reader

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Request from CatherineCate14
Smut: mommy kink, a little praise kink, cursing

I met Lilith at a quaint little place, I admired her dominance. When she took control of the situation with that magician I could physically feel my knees go weak.

I worked up the courage to approach her after a few drinks. She looked up at me through her eyelashes and I almost melted right then and there. We talked for a bit and afterwards she took my back to her place to have a nightcap.

It was nothing exciting, mainly just talking and I found out that she's a psychologist. That was pretty interesting to me and we talked about in depth. We exchanged numbers and I went home, thinking about her as I drifted to sleep.

We haven't spoken in a week or so and I figured it was just a one time thing to her. Until she texted me out of the blue after I got off work.

Would you like to come over tonight?

It was simple and I didn't know what to expect but of course I said yes. I mean have you seen her?! I got dressed in a casual blouse and dress pants before heading over to her place. I knocked hesitantly on the door and she opened it only seconds later. As if she'd been waiting there for my arrival.

"Hi" I said nervously, "hi honey, come in" she said resting her hand on my lower back to urge me inside. I could feel my cheeks heat up and I jumped a little as the door closed. "Are you nervous?" She asked smirking slightly at me. "No" I lied as she lead me further into the house.

"Have you eaten?" She asks, "yes" I reply and she smiles. "Are you still hungry?" She asks sitting very close to me on the couch and I look into her eyes seeing then darken. After she got no response she puts her hand on my cheek and focuses on caressing it softly. "So smooth" she whispers cause in t me to shiver at her touch and tone.

"Sweetheart... are you cold? Or perhaps you may be feeling something else..." she says suggestively as her hand moves to rest on my thigh. I close my eyes and her hand begins to rub up and down making me hold back my moans. She grips it tightly making my eyes fly open to see her smirking at me.

"Do you like that?" She asks quietly, her tone is so soft yet so commanding. "Yes" I whisper as my eyes flicker to her lips. "Does my baby want a kiss?" She asks teasingly and I grab her face before kissing her hungrily. She doesn't move for a moment as she was taken by surprise but soon she kisses back with even more passion.

I move to straddle hee lap and pull back for air as the need becomes unbearable. I pant as I look at her, her chest rising and falling rapidly as her hands rest on my hips. "Lilith..." I say second guessing what this even means. "Mommy" she growls and I clench at that name feeling myself surrendering to her. "M-mommy... why are you doing this?" I ask her hesitantly.

"Because I like you y/n" she says as if it was obvious and I smile softly as my breath evens out. "I like you too" I say, "well that was obvious given the way you stare at my ass" she says. I giggle and she picks me up by my thighs carrying me effortlessly up the stairs and to her bedroom.

She throws me onto the bed before climbing on top of me and claiming my lips. Her tongue slides into my mouth making me moan at the new sensation. She takes my clothes off quickly before discarding of hers and laying back on top of me. "P-please mommy... I need you... I need you so bad" I moan. She pulls back from kissing on my neck to look at me, "as you wish baby girl" she say before giving me a quick kiss and moving down.

Before long her lips meet my center and she gives my clit a gentle kiss before diving all the way in. "FUCK... right there mommy" I yell, "you like that princess?" She asks before her mouth gets right back to work. "OH YESSSS MOMMY" I scream as she plunged two fingers into me. "So tight baby..." she says using her thumb to stimulate my clit.

"And so wet... did mommy make you this wet?" She asks and I moan in response, "come on baby girl... mommy wants to hear just how good she's making you feel" she pouts as I looks at her. "SHIT... OH FUCK! Yes mommy it's all for you... you make me so wet" I whimper as I feel my high approaching.

"Oh please mommy... PLEASE can I cum? I really need it mommy" I moan loudly. "Such a good girl asking for permission without having to be told. Of course you can cum baby" she says replacing her fingers with her tongue and rubbing faster in my clit.

"F-F-FUCKKKK" I scream as I cum into her mouth. She licks me clean and comes up putting one hand firmly against my cheek and kissing me passionately. Before she can pull away I flip us over so I'm now on top of her. I pull away and smile down at her as she looks at me shocked. "My turn mommy" I say before kissing and biting on her neck.

She softly moans as my kisses move down and I suck on her nipples. Biting hard because I can tell she likes it. "Yes baby... you're doing sooo good" she moans and he praise just makes me want to please her even more. I decide not to even tease her and get straight to the point. "OH FUCKING HELL... shit baby... you're making mommy feel so fucking good" she moans loudly as her hands find my hair and push me closer.

I take her clit in my mouth and suck on it hard while I run my fingers through her slit to get them wet. Without warning I thrust three fingers in her. She shudders before screaming, "BABY! That feels amazing" she says beginning to ride my face. It doesn't take long for me to feel her clenching around my fingers. "Am I gonna make you cum mommy?" I ask innocently as I look up at her and she moans before throwing her head back.

She let's go without any warning and squirts on my face. I clean her up as her breathing calms down and I move up to her smiling widely. "Damn baby girl... that was the best sex I've ever had" she says. "I can tell" I giggle while pointing at my face, "oh no... mommy should clean her mess shouldnt she?" She asks taking my face in her hands. I nod shyly as her tongues sticks out and she licks her cum off my face.

She pulls me into a kiss pushing her tongue between her lips so I can taste her. "You taste so good" I say biting my lip, "so do you" she smirks. She pulls the covers back and motions for me to get in. "Can't let my baby girl get cold" she whispers in my ear as she guides my head to her chest. I cradle against her because she's so warm, probably flushed from her orgasm.

"I really do like you y/n, I hope you know that" she says reassuring me. "I like you too mommy" I whisper as I plant a soft kiss between her boobs. "You really like that don't you?" She chuckles, I nod as I bury my face deeper in her chest. "No need to be shy, dear. I like that you like it, mommy's going to take good care of you from now on, ok?" She asks, "ok" I reply before drifting off the sleep with the help of her heartbeat and her soft hand stroking my hair.

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