Leap of faith |b.e|

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After the whole scandal with what's his face and that cute but odd looking girl, a meeting has been called. I personally was alarmed when they first came on air. I mean it's not every day that you hear the world is ending. Not with solid science and data to back it up anyway.

Unfortunately I don't really run things around here, so I just had to sit back and watch. Needless to say, I'm actually looking forward to this meeting. I walk through the doors and take a seat, waiting for everyone else to arrive. The scientists get there and just as we're about to begin, Brie comes waltzing in.

I sigh as that woman couldn't be on time if her life depended on it. I even told her the meeting time was 30 minutes earlier than it actually was. Still she managed to arrive late, but at least we haven't started yet. She takes a seat next to the male scientist and I watch their interaction carefully.

It's clear that there's something between them which pisses me off for many reasons. For one it's highly inappropriate, I mean he's here to inform us and she's distracting him. Then again, she could distract anyone in a ten mile radius by just breathing. That's not the point though.

I look away as we start so I can keep my focus. About halfway through the meeting I turn to the man as he clears his throat. He opened his mouth to speak but I heard his breath hitch. Then I felt something hit my foot as if someone kicked me. I look under the table and see her hand on his thigh, too close for my liking.

I gaze back to their faces and they are very close. Brie glances to his lips and that's when I lose it. I stand up and everyone abruptly turns to me. "Brie, outside" I state walking towards the door. I get to it and open it, turning to see she's still sat in her seat. "Now" I demand and it takes her a second but she gets up.

Running her hand along his shoulders as she walks to me. She looks in my eyes for a second before turning forward with her head up. I close the door behind us and take her wrist pulling her down the hallway. "Hey! Let me go" she orders but I don't stop until we arrive at a door.

I push her into the closet and flick the light on. She leans her back against the door, sighing and crossing her arms. "What is wrong with you?" I ask in a hushed yet angry tone, "I don't know what you're talking about" she answers. All her attention diverted to her nails instead of me.

"You're acting completely out of line and you know it! Feeling him up in the middle of an important meeting?! You need to get it together" I scold and finally she looks up at me. "Don't yell at me" she mumbles, I take a deep breath and back up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. All of this is just very frustrating" I sigh.

"Maybe you're just jealous..." she smirks but the look in her eyes is contradictory. "It's not my business anymore what you do or with whom for that matter. This meeting is important and you're interfering with it" I state. "So that's all it is then? Work" she chuckles sadly, "Brie... don't do that" I sigh.

"I miss you y/n" she mutters, "I miss you more than I ever thought I would" she whispers. "You seem very content with your life after we broke up. I don't think this will help either of us" I say reaching for the door handle. She flips us around and pins me to the door causing my eyes to widen.

"No. I have to get this out. I know I've... been—busy since we broke up but I've been miserable the whole time. None of them—they don't compare to you. They don't smile at me like you do, they don't smell like you, cook like you. They don't make me laugh like you can... the ones that make my stomach hurt" she rambles.

"I never wanted them—not like I want you. None of it was satisfying, I was just chasing after the feelings only you can give me. All I want is you, y/n. I can't keep acting like that's not true because it's killing me inside. And maybe you don't feel that way anymore but... I had to tell you because—regret is exhausting" she smiles sadly.

I stare at her for a moment taking it all in, trying to come up with a response. "Brie—I can't-" "just tell me you don't love me anymore. If you do... I'll leave you be" she interjects. I don't answer because I don't like to lie and she knows that too. "I know it's just that you don't believe me. I know this isn't characteristic behavior of mine" she sighs.

"But y/n... baby I really mean it" she whispers, coming close so our bodies are touching. Her hands cup my cheeks and she stares into my eyes. "And they don't... they don't make me feel like you make me feel. Before you I—well I was doing the same thing I'm doing now. But none of it makes me feel full, like it's worth it" she mutters.

"Your fingers on my skin... the way you stroke my hair. How your fingers feel inside me... your tongue exploring my body as if it's the first time, every time. They could never make me feel like that. You make me feel beautiful, y/n. It's not the hunger in your eyes when you look at me either" she shakes her head while biting her lip.

"It's the love... how you appreciate every inch of me inside and out. You taught me what it's like to truly care for another person. That I'm actually capable of love and being loved. And I don't think I can go on like normal having experienced something so life changing. Something so extraordinary that—that it makes me look forward to the future" she mumbles.

I realize that at some point during her speech I wrapped my arms around her waist. She looks down and back up at me with a smile. "See... it's just natural. As if we're meant to do this" she whispers, "but—you're right" I sigh. "Y/n... if you give us another chance, I promise to treat you how I should've before. I won't take you for granted this time" she states.

"And before you say anything else—I know it seems too good to be true. But just... take this leap of faith with me? I'm willing to fall on my face for you. If I fuck it up I promise you'll never have to see me again" she adds. "I would never not want to see you again" I reply, she smiles and runs her thumb over my cheek in response.

"I'll give it another try... but I want to start slow" I say, "anything you want" she whispers. My eyes drop to her lips and hers do the same. I lean in and initiate it, pulling her tighter against me. The need for connection after so much time apart, getting the best of me. "So much for slow" I giggle resting my back against the door.

"You're just magnetic, what can I say?" she jokes and I roll my eyes playfully. "Dinner tonight at Antonio's?" she suggests, "definitely" I whisper pulling her in for another kiss. I pull away and squeeze her ass, wanting to see that face she makes that I love so much. "I think dessert is ready now though" I joke to which she just chuckles and shakes her head.

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