Truth or Dare? (1/2)

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Lou x Reader

It's been a while since the whole gang has been able to hang out. So when Debs texted the group chat asking if we were free and we actually all were? We jumped on the opportunity to hang out. Deciding to meet at our usual place, being Lou's loft, as it's just the easiest. We were set to meet at 8:30 and no one had cancelled yet which is very exciting. I've seen a few of them here and there separately, but not the one I wanted to see the most.

Lou and I happened to become quite close over the time of the heist. But since we all went our own ways shortly after, I didn't get to spend much alone time with her. Of course I still won't be able to as everyone will be there, but I'll take what I can get. I put on some comfy yet cute clothes and head over considering it's already 8:15. I get there at 8:40 not wanting to be too early anyway as they usually show up late. I pulled up and they were all there, on time for the first time in like ever.

I knock on the door, opening it directly after and kicking off my shoes. "What's up" I yell through the house and am met with a roar of greetings. "Gosh I missed you" Tammy says pulling me into a tight hug. "Did you get taller?" Debbie asks me making me glare at her. "You look fabulous" Rose comments and I roll my eyes saying she looks much better. Once everyone settles again Lou walks out the kitchen.

I head over that direction in search of something to drink. "You got anything?" I ask her, not exactly look at her in the eyes at all. "Of course" she spins on her heels and follows me over to the fridge. "Just about everything... you lookin' for anything in particular?" She asks looks me up and down and I shrug. "Well for starters we got alcoholic and non-alcoholic" she offers. "Vodka?" I ask and she nods, her eyebrows raising slightly in surprise.

Once we've got the drinks we go back to the living room to sit. We turn up the music and sit around just talking for hours. Catching each other up on what our lives have been like. Making hypothetical plans for the next heist and whatnot. "Let's play truth or dare" Tammy suggests, "no tam tam" Debbie replies. "Well why not? It's just a game" Rose reasons while Lou and I just watch them bicker. "Fine but I'm not doing anything dangerous" Debbie rolls her eyes while we giggle.

"Who's up first... Debbie?" Tam smirks and before Debbie can object, she poses the question. "Truth or dare" she asks, "truth" Debbie replies, of course. "Is it true that you're at least the slightest bit gay?" Tammy asks, which actually doesn't shock me at all. I bite my lip as I try to hold back a laugh, just the look on Debbie's face is priceless. "Yes, moving on" she answers with a straight face but I can tell she's a bit uncomfy so I don't tease her.

"Well shit I guess we're all just a fruit basket, eh?" Lou chimes in, chuckling before taking a swig of beer. "That's not true, right..." Rose says looking around, mainly letting her eyes linger on me as I had yet to say anything. "I would bet every cent I have that every person in this room, at the very least, isn't straight" Lou says confidently. She's not wrong. "Ok well since you seem to be so confident, truth or dare" Rose proposes, "dare" the blonde replies cockily.

"I dare you to kiss the person in this room that you find the sexiest" Rose says and we all get really quiet. I'm not sure I want to play this game anymore, but I can't just walk away. So I sit as we all do, in awkward silence, before I hear rustling. The way we're set up is in a semi-circle; on the right end there's Lou and it goes to Debbie, me, Rose, and then Tammy on the other end. I see Lou rise to be on her knees and turn in Debbie's direction. Looking her directly in the eyes and passing her.

I look down at my lap, not wanting her to see how badly I wish it was me. Lost in thought I feel a hand on my face making me look up. There she was, knelt in front of me with that classic smirk on her face. "Well... are you gonna snog or not?" Rose asks making Lou chuckle. I just stare at her, my mouth slightly open and I lick my lips quickly as they're a bit dry. "I'm going to kiss you now, if that's alright?" She whispers for only me to hear and I nod softly.

Leaning in slowly I get a bit impatient and lean in as well. Our lips colliding softly and fitting together beautifully. That subtle taste of whiskey on her tongue invading my tastebuds as the fresh scent of beer takes claim of my nostrils. I find myself unconsciously putting a hand in her hair. At the nape of her neck almost clawing in an attempt to ground myself. To permanently root myself in this moment with her.

I suddenly become aware of my surroundings and I pull away slowly. I feel her follow me for a moment before realizing and pulling back. We stare at each other, the entire room silent. Without another word she just gets up and walks towards the stairs. "Good night" she mumbles before finally going up and shortly after we hear a door close. I slowly turn back to face everyone and they're all very quiet. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask nervously, "no" Debbie replies shortly.

"That was so hot" Rose admits, Tammy nudges her but is blushing like she agrees. "I'm gonna head up too" I say, heading to the kitchen first to put down my drink. I am determined to get to the bottom of this.

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