Marissa x Student pt.2

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As we drove she pressed on the touch screen to call someone. She pressed handset mode and grabbed her phone, pressing it to her ear with her shoulder. "Hanna?" She greets them, "yes... you should go out with friends tonight" she suggests. "I'm bringing a friend over... oh no you wouldn't like her" she says. I look at her offended and she rolls her eyes playfully. "Oh that's good. You'll call if you need to be picked up later yes?" She says. "Alright, have fun darling" she says.

As she returns her phone to the spot in its purse I look at the window wondering who she was talking to. "That was my... daughter" she says nervously, "oh. How old is she?" I ask. "18" she says smiling to herself, "I'm sure she's beautiful" I remark. "That she is" she replies softly, "just like her mother" I say and notice a slight blush rise on her cheeks. "Such a flirt" she chuckles, the rest of the drive is spent in silence.

Once we arrive at her house she invites me in and we go to the kitchen. "Would you like some wine?" She asks, "at 12 in the afternoon?" I ask teasingly. "I'd like to think it's never too early" she smirks, "I think I have a better idea..." I say walking towards her slowly. "Oh yeah? What might that be?" She inquires, "I think you know... exactly what I mean" I say running my fingers along her jawline. She turns me around and pins me between her and the kitchen counter.

She stares at me for a moment as she licks her lips. "You're cute" she says looking me up and down as I stare at her speechless. "Aww cat got your tongue? That's a great idea actually... on your knees" she says. I stare at her confused and she waits a second before pushing me to the ground. "Do you want me y/n?" She asks looking down at me as she puts her hand on either side of my face and strokes my cheeks with her thumbs.

"Yes" I whisper looking up at her innocently. "Well go ahead then" she says gesturing with her eyes to her pants. I quickly get started on unbuttoning them and taking them off along with her panties. I gasp as I see how wet she is, "nervous?" She asks looking down with a soft smile on her face. "No miss" I reply and she smiles even wider, she grabs my hair and looks at me for consent and I nod. She push my face into her center and I get the hint to start.

My tongue explores her folds before finding her clit. With the first flick of my tongue I can feel her shudder above me. Her thighs twitch around my head and I can tell she's ready for me. I swirl my tongue around her clit playfully before taking it into my mouth. "Oh shit baby... just like that" she says, her grip tightening on my hair. "Fuck" she says as she pulls tightly on my hair forcing me away from her.

"Open your mouth" she growls, I immediately oblige and I already know what she's going to do. She spits in my mouth and moans as she watches me swallow it. She shoves my face into her pussy and begins to ride me. "Fuck baby girl... you m-make me feel so good" she moans. I go even faster so I can make her feel even better. "Your pretty little mouth is g-going to make m-me cum" she yells. I push two fingers in her, instantly curling them to hit her g-spot.

"OH! A-ha-haaa... that's it, right there! I'm c-CUMMINGGG" she screams as she releases in my mouth. Before I can even help her ride out her orgasm she pulls me away from her.
I look up at her confused and she pulls me up to kiss me hungrily. She moans which cause me to moan in response because it sounds so beautiful even muffled. "To the bedroom" she says taking my hand and I follow behind her keeping up with her fast steps. Once we're in the bedroom she pushes me aggressively on the bed and climbs on top of me. "I need to see this body" she says hastily removing my clothes. My hands reach to her to take of her shirt but she smacks them away.

"No. Let me do all the work" she says and I bite my lip as I watch her sexily remove her shirt and bra. She immediately claims my lips again while her hands roam my body. I moan as she pulls away and she smirks down at me. "How rough do you want it baby girl?" She asks me and my mouth falls open as her fingers tease my entrance. She lightly grabs my throat and I moan at the pressure and look in her eyes.

"Oh I see I've got a slut on my hands" she says while circling my clit with two fingers. "Oh shit. Please mommy" I moan and she raises her eyebrows while her smirk gets wider. "Mommy? You're such a pathetic little whore for mommy aren't you?" She says biting her lip, "I'm going to have lots of fun with you" she says kissing a path to my center.

As soon as I feel her soft breath I whimper and buck my hips towards her face. "Relax baby, I'll take care of you" she whispers breathily against my clit before taking it between her soft lips. "Mommy that feels so good!" I moan loudly as she speeds up, I feel her fingers pressing against me before slipping in. My mouth falls open but no sound comes out as I take in all the pleasure I'm feeling. She rubs her free hand up my stomach and caresses my breast softly.

"Breathe darling" she says softly, I let put a shuddered breath and moan loudly. "That's it honey" she says returning her mouth to my clit. "Mommy I'm not going t-to last long" I whimper, "you can do it, be a good girl for mommy" she coos. I nod while biting my lip as I try to hold off for as long as possible. "I can feel how tight you are... you're doing such a good job" she says. "I-if you k-keep saying things l-lik that I'm gonna cum" I moan.

"Oh you like praise huh? But when I call my dirty little whore..." I clench even more around her fingers. "I can feel you get even closer" she whispers against my erect bud. "Mommy I really need to cum" I try to keep my volume in check but it sounds like a desperate cry. "But mommy likes seeing her slut so desperate to cum. Maybe beg harder and I'll be nice" she says going harder and faster with her fingers.

"M-mo-ahhh" she adds a third finger causing me to grip bedsheets tightly. "What's that you little cumslut? Mommy didn't quite catch that" she Sara bringing me even closer. "Mommy I need to cum... I'll do anything to cum. Just PLEASE I'm begging you" I start to cry. "That's what I like to hear... go ahead kitten" she says using her expert tongue to push me over the edge.

I scream a string of profanities along with her name as she coaxes me through it. Once I'm done she cleans me up carefully and climbs in bed next to me. "You're such a good girl" she says kissing my forehead tenderly. "Only for you" I whisper, "that's exactly how I want it to be" she replies stroking my hair. It's quiet as I try to anticipate what I should do next. "Y/n?" She whispers, I hum in response so she knows I'm awake.

"Would you like to... be my girlfriend perhaps?" She asks quietly, I sit up and smile at her before giving her a kiss. "Yes" I whisper against her lips before pulling her in for another kiss. "Won't it be difficult since I'm your student?" I ask her hesitantly, "as long as you can manage to keep those beautiful hands to yourself then no" she chuckles. "Oh I'll definitely keep them to myself" I say cheekily, "don't even think about it, darlin" she says pulling me closer.

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