Marissa x Student pt.1

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I'm currently in college studying criminology and today I fortunately only have one class and it's at the end of the day. It's basically the last credit I need to graduate and it's with the best teacher. I've had her for 2 years now, Ms.Weigler, she's a difficult one but she seems to get along with me. I walk into the classroom since the door's open and begin walking to my seat towards the front of the class. I don't see her yet but I just take a seat and wait for her to come in. Five minutes pass and I take out my phone to pass the rest of the time, I am quite early seeing as I've seen what happens to people who are late to her lectures.

I hear heels clicking down the hallway and considering her classroom is one of 3 in this hallway it has to be her. I sit up straighter in my seat and when she walks in she looks to be having a tense conversation on her phone. "Yes Lewis, I understand the severity of your situation but I really don't-" she stops speaking and stills in her place when her eyes land on me, I smile softly and her and her mouth falls open in surprise. She checks her watch and sighs, "Lewis. Lewis. I have to call you back" she hangs up the phone directly after and walks over to her desk.

"Y/n..." she says as she looks at a paper on her desk, "Yes, Ms.Weigler" I reply and she looks up at me before crossing her hands on her desk. "Your forensic analysis class has been cancelled. Did you not receive my email?" she asks, "umm no I didn't" I respond. She types on her laptop for a minute and closes her eyes before taking a deep breath. "I suppose I didn't send it to you. Very well... I don't have anything for you to do so you can go" she says smiling sympathetically. "Ok" I say simply and grab my things, I stand up and pass her desk to go to the door. "Wait..." she says and I turn on my heels to look at her curiously, "would you like to go for coffee? So I can...apologise" she proposes.

"Sure, I would love to. Though you don't need to waste your time apologising, it was a common mistake" I shrug. She waves her hand dismissively and grabs her purse, slipping her phone carelessly into it and walking towards me. I allow her to go first and I walk behind her. She closes and locks the door then walks towards the car park and towards her car. "Do you have a car?" she asks turning towards me, "umm no" I say and she smiles. "Well come on then, in you go" she motions towards her car parked at one of the nearest spots to the door. I know there's no point in arguing so I get into the car after she opens the door for me.

The ride is spent in silence until we pull up to a beautiful cafe. She turns off the car and I exit, following behind her and thanking her as she opens the door for me. She leads me over to a booth towards the back and sighs as she sits. "Are you stressed?" I ask her quietly, her head darts up to me and she looks at me funnily making me wish I'd never spoken. I open my mouth to apologise for the intrusion but she beats me to it, "not at the moment no... just... nervous" she says, narrowing her eyes in the slightest manner. "May I ask why?" I question and she stares at me for a moment before replying, "no particular reason" she says and I nod noticing she doesn't want to elaborate.

The waiter comes over and takes our orders then promptly leaves to put it in. "So... I would just like to apologise again for the misunderstanding" she says, "again... no need" I reply. She smiles, giving me that feeling only she can. The drinks come and we both take a sip, I rest my drink down and look up at her to see her staring at me. "Are you trying to profile me?" I ask jokingly, "you've always been impossible to read, it fascinates me" she admits nonchalantly. "Is that so?"  ask leaning against the table, "tis" she says leaning closer to me and staring into my eyes.

"You're not" I say taking her by surprise as I suspected, "is that so?" she asks mockingly and I quirk and eyebrow at her. "No reason to be defensive. It's not an insult" I say, "I'm not being defensive" she counters. "It's in your eyes" I say looking at her enchantingly blue orbs, "really?" she asks and I can tell she's intrigued. "Yes. They tend to change slightly in color depending on your mood" I say, she frowns slightly in disapproval before leaning back and taking another sip of her drink. "What else do you think you know about me Ms.Y/l/n?" she asks, "oh I don't think, I know a lot of things about you" I say and she raises an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Well go on... tell me" she says trying to be intimidating, which she is, however I know I have the upperhand at the moment. "What are you so nervous about?" I deflect, "A case" she replies and I raise my eyebrows. "When you lie... your eyes twitch in the slightest way and your south turns up a little" I say and her eyes widen slightly realising she's been caught. "Not true" she says and I can sense and see her discomfort, "And when you're angry, or uncomfortable, your accent comes out more" I continue. "Who's profiling now?" she asks, "I guess I just have a really great professor" I smirk. "You're an enigma y/n" she says, my confidence falter simply from the way she says my name and I know that she knows that.

"Would you like to come back to my place?" she asks her eyes becoming slightly hooded, "well I suppose I've just learned something new, all this time I had no idea. That look... are you trying to seduce me?" I ask leaning away from her to make her nervous. She just leans closer and stares me down, "would you like me to seduce you?" she asks and I swallow. "I don't think I'd need to work very hard, considering if I know nothing at all about you... I can clearly see your attraction to me" she whispers. "How bold of you to assume I wasn't just acting" I reply, "Oh sweetheart, darling girl, you're a terrible actor. To think I had such high expectations of you" she says leaning back in her seat.

"I know what you're doing" I say crossing my arms, "and what exactly is that dear?" she asks sarcastically. "You just want me to say it" I continue, "say what...?" she asks feigning innocence terribly on purpose. "I like you" I say confidently, she grins knowing she got what she wanted, she leaves the money along with a tip on the table and takes my hand. "There's my good girl" she whispers in my ear as she I walk past her through the door she's holding open. Those simple words send a shockwave through my body and I hear her chuckle darkly behind me. She holds the car door open for me and walks around to the other side slipping in and starting the car.

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