All Mine |l.m|

752 20 5

CW: spanking, degradation, praise

Lou and I are out at her club tonight for a few drinks after dinner. It's mainly me drinking, in all honesty, since Lou's driving. I glance around since she left a while ago to handle some business. As I catch sight of this 'business' I scowl. She's talking to some redhead who's looking at her like she can see through her clothes.

Meanwhile, Lou is laughing along at whatever that dumb bitch is saying to her. I see her give that famous smirk as she narrows her eyes. The brunette giggles and smirks back, giving my girlfriend fuck-me eyes. At least that's what it looks like from where I'm sitting. Finally, Lou says goodbye and makes her way over to me.

"Hi, baby" she mutters, "mm, hey" I sigh as I pull her closer, having her stand between my legs. "Can we go home now? I'm tired" I pout, giving her my best puppy eyes. She smirks a bit and nods her head, not being able to take her eyes off me. I smile softly as I bring my hand up to cup her cheek, placing a chaste kiss on it.

Her eyes find mine again and I stare directly back. Pulling her in and she falls for it like every other time. "Hey, boss? Someone asked for-" "I Uhh— I gotta go" she interjects, her gaze still locked on mine. "But-" she turns to him and widens her eyes a bit for emphasis. "Jake. I have to go" she stresses, "alright then" he sighs before walking off.

"Come on" she urges, taking my hand and guiding me out the crowded building. She practically floors it home and I smirk the whole time. We get inside and she kneels to take off my shoes as I lean against the wall. She holds my waist as we walk up the stairs and only lets go to open our bedroom door. She spins me around and pins me to it, immediately going for my lips.

I place my hand between us and push her away to which she whines. "Babyyy" she groans, "uh uh" I deny her and she sulks. She backs up and I walk over to the dresser, slowly taking off my dress. I know she's watching me, so I make sure to give her a show. Bending over as I shimmy it over my ass before letting it drop to the floor.

I hear her huff in frustration and I suppress a giggle. I unclip my bra and toss it with the dress into the hamper. "Don't do this to meee" she complains, I smirk and turn around. I make sure to walk as slow as possible over to her, staring into her eyes. I can see her fingers twitch as she fights to keep her hands to herself.

"Maybe you should've thought about that before talking to that girl" I tease, "what girl?" she asks in a daze. I tilt her chin up so her gaze floats from my boobs to my face as I roll my eyes. "The dumb redhead at the bar?" I prompt, watching as it jogs her memory and she sighs. "Oh, darling, that was no one" she whispers, her hands circling my waist.

"Hands. To. Yourself" I demand and she reluctantly pulls them away. "It's not my fault you're so sexy... and you're torturing me, babe. Can you at least put a shirt on? I can't help myself" she whines, "nope. I'm hot, in more ways than one" I giggle. I turn around and walk towards the bed, sitting on the edge.

She turns to me slowly and frowns as her eyes take over my form. "Can I try to make it up to you? I'm sorry, baby. I was just talking to her... I didn't mean any harm" she pleads, "oh I know you didn't. She was the one eye-fucking you, but you let her" I state. "I didn't know, I promise" she stresses, taking cautious steps towards me.

"You wanna make it up to me?" I taunt, "yes, please" she mutters. "How bad?" I ask, "really really bad" she whispers. She's only a foot away from me now and I smirk widely. "On your knees" I demand, "w-what?" she stutters. Usually Lou's the top, she's just really sweet outside the bedroom. She basically waits on me hand and foot but behind closed doors? Completely different story.

So her shock doesn't come as a surprise to me. "Making me repeat myself... not off to a good start, Lou" I sigh and I can see the hesitation in her eyes. I let her think about it for a second and eventually she lowers herself to the ground. I push hair behind her ears as she looks up at me, tilting my head and smiling at her.

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