Dewy mornings |l.m|

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I woke up and stretched my limbs out like a starfish. Usually I'd hear mumbles of protest from my lover. Something along the lines of: 'for gods sake are you not used to sleeping with me yet?' to which I'd make a dirty joke. Sometimes she'd even push me off the bed as payback.

Immediately sitting up to check on me as I would groan and rub whichever body part made the harsher contact with the floor. She'd smirk down at me as the memories of the multiple times I kicked her off the bed flash in our minds. Eventually causing us to laugh before I'd get back in bed to cuddle.

So as I reach for her side of the bed and notice the absence of warmth, I whine. She always leaves me to sleep which I lie and say I hate. Honestly, I'm glad she knows me well enough to let me get up on my own. At least on weekends, because I hate waking up early when it's not a necessity.

Regardless, I miss her. So I rub my eyes and get up. Momentarily grabbing for the bed as I almost fall back on it. One I regain my balance I yawn and head to the dresser. Throwing an oversized t-shirt on so I'm not just in my underwear. Not that she would mind anyway, the little perv.

I make my way down the hallway, thankful she took my request for no stairs seriously. The amount of times I fell or was close to falling down the stairs at the loft is ridiculous. My foggy morning brain failing to calculate one step causing me to trip and often tumble.

The narrow corridor opens up to the spacious area of our living room and kitchen. I look around groggily until I find her perched on the couch. I walk over, my feet padding softly against the mahogany wood floors. I plop down next to her and fall dramatically into her arms.

"Good morning to you too, sweetheart" she giggles. I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing her laugh, it never fails to make me smile. "Mmm" I mumble into her chest, swinging my legs over hers. Practically wrapping my entire body around her so she won't move.

After half and hour of silence, her hands rubbing circles on my back. Occasionally running a hand over my hair. She breaks the silence with the worst thing she could possibly say. "It's grocery day" I groan loudly and grip onto her even tighter. "It's also your week" she adds making me whine.

"Can you do it? Pleaseee" I beg, "uh uh, I did it the last 3 times. Besides, you need to get out" she reasons. "Fine" I say standing up annoyed and going towards the room. "Come back here" she says sternly, I try to hide my smile as I make my way back over. "Yes?" I ask flatly, she simply pulls me down and kisses me passionately.

I moan softly and melt into her, soon after she pulls back. I smile softly and she smirks, winking at me. "Now go get ready, you big baby" she jokes and I oblige, heading back to the room. "Don't forget to brush your teeth either! Your breath smells like ass babe" she yells after me.

My mouth falls open and it's silent for a few seconds. I hear her laugh loudly and I roll my eyes. "Oh really? So you eat ass now!" I yell back and it's silent for even longer before we both start laughing. I hurry and get ready so I can get it over with. Soon enough I'm walking out fully dressed.

Planting a kiss on the soft lips of my fiancé before going to the door to slip on my shoes. "Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside" she says softly. I pause for a moment, remembering a very specific day last fall. "Lou, I swear, if I step outside and all our mugs are on the front lawn..." I warn.

She says nothing. Just sips, what I assume to be coffee, out of a bowl. Quiet loudly might I add. I sigh and close my eyes, bringing two fingers up to run against my temple. I open the door and sure enough, lo and behold, every last one of our mugs on display. Place to form a heart on the neatly cut grass.

"God damn it" I mutter to myself, I turn to see Lou giggling behind me. Bringing her hand to her mouth to try and stop herself. "I want this gone before I come back, and you're washing each and every one this time" I say sternly. Biting my lips to prevent the big smile that wants to spread across my face.

"Hmm nah, love you though" she makes a kissy face before turning around. "Louise Annabelle Miller..." I say in a warning tone. She stood in her tracks and throws her head back whining. "Ugh fine" she turns around looking like a scolded child. "Thank you" I say patting her cheek before placing a gentle kiss on the other.

I get in the car and crank it up, watching as she tries to carry all the mugs at once. Pulling her shirt out and trying to carry them that way, epically failing as they fall to the ground. I can see the visible frustration and can practically hear her disgruntled cursing. I back out the driveway and smile the entire way to the market.

That women really does know how to make my day. Even if it's something as silly as littering our front yard in mugs. It doesn't escape my mind that she formed them into a heart either. Attempting to slightly make up for her antics by showing a gesture of love. I'll admit it was very cute and even a little funny.

Effectively getting me through the anxiety of being alone in public. I bite my lip softly as I think of how lucky I got with Lou. Engaged to the love of my life who always knows just what I need. Even if this wasn't her intention, though I suspect it was. She manages to keep me calm even when she isn't around.

The simple thought of her creates butterflies in my stomach. My heart pumping just a little faster at the memories that come to. One thing is for sure. With both of our childlike hearts, nothing is ever boring.

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