Takes two to tango |d.f|

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I've been at the dance academy for a few weeks now. I recently moved into town and I had done my research on studios in the area. It's said that this is one of the best ones in the country so it was hard for me to get an audition but I did it. Now I'm standing amongst some of the best dancers in the world.

Though none of that matters really, as I can't see anyone but her. Daisy fuller, the best dancer at the company and the prettiest girl in the world. She has lucious auburn hair, always pinned up to be out of her way. She has a figure most women would kill for and her talent is off the charts. There isn't one single thing I don't admire about Daisy.

Which makes it impossible for me to be around her, let alone talk to her. Every time I see her I just get choked up, I mean wouldn't you? She's so beautiful and gosh she practically floats across the floor when she dances. When I first arrived, I was directed to her since she's the top of the class.

She was supposed to show me around and tell me about the schedule. I still remember walking into the studio, it was empty except for her sitting in the middle of the floor. She was doing stretches it looked like, and was in her own world entirely. When she stood up, I swore I forgot how to breathe. I can only assume I gasped because her head quickly turned in my direction.

I moved to rest my back on the wall right next to the door and held my breath. Once I was sure she wasn't coming, I sighed in relief and stood up straight. Needless to say, I never entered that room and I never talked to her that day. I couldn't bring myself to do it and ever since I still haven't worked up the courage.

I'm not sure how I got around that since everyone is supposed to meet Daisy. She's basically the teacher at this point since she learns choreography like nobody's business. I often find myself giggling at the back of the class at the girls trying to keep up with her. I pride myself on being quick on my feet both literally and figuratively.

I learn the dances just as fast as Daisy but I don't like being noticed much. I'm torn from my thoughts when someone yells my name. I look up, my expression being similar to that of a deer in headlights most likely. "You'll be with Daisy" the instructor says, "I-I'm sorry. Come again" I stutter as I try to process what she's just said.

"For the upcoming performance... everyone has a partner... you're Daisy's" she repeats slowly and a few of the girls giggle at my seemingly incompetent nature. I simply nod in acknowledgment, internally losing my shit. There's practically an exodus when the instructor announces the end of class and I'm caught in my head again.

I slowly gather my things as I try to figure out how I'll manage to keep it together in front of Daisy. "Hi" I freeze in my tracks, I may not talk to her but I have memorized her voice. I swallow the lump in my throat and throw my bag over my shoulder, biting the bullet and facing her. She smiles politely and my eyes widen slightly as I see just how radiant she is up close.

"I figured we should get to know each other since we haven't really talked" she proposes and I open my mouth but close it just as quick. "Mm no thank you" I mumble out and she furrows her eyebrows which only makes her look cuter. "I have to go" I state before scurrying away, groaning to myself at how much of an idiot I am.

a week later...

Daisy and I have been practicing together for a few days now, basically just learning the routine. I've been sort of fascinated with the way she learns the moves. I typically have to work it out in my head first but she's a trial and error kinda girl. It's been refreshing to see her not on her game all the time. I never thought I would be describing the Daisy Fuller as clumsy.

We've been running through this one part of the routine for about ten minutes now and I'm about to lose it. My front had to be pressed against her back and I'm basically holding her leg up as she does the splits kind of. Every time she does it, she turns her head to face the ceiling but I get the perfect view of all her features.

I forget to let her leg go this time and we both almost fall as I catch her. "What is it with you?" she asks as I let her go to stand on her own and I furrow my eyebrows. "You barely speak to me, you're always distracted, what is going on?" she asks and I just grimace apologetically. "Listen. I understand that you may not like me and that's fine—but we have to get along for the sake of working together" she states and I open my mouth to reply but she cuts me off.

"Actually—no it's not fine. What did I ever do to you? We've barely had a decent conversation for you not to like me" she points out and I nod along, just letting her get it out. "Say something! Anything" she exclaims as she steps closer and my gaze drops to her lips for a moment. "Oh gosh, are you kidding me?" she scoffs softly and my eyes dart back up to hers as she moves so we're only centimeters apart.

Her hand comes to caress my cheek and before I know it, her lips are pressed gently against my own. I'm frozen for a moment, not believe this is happening or at the very least that she'll pull away once she realizes what she's done. Then it occurs to me that I want to make the most of this before she does regret it.

I pull her closer by her waist and I feel her smile into the kiss before pulling away. "Feel better?" she whispers and I nod slowly with a growing smile on my face. "That wasn't so hard, now was it?" she teases, "no, I suppose not" I reply shyly. "Now let's wrap this up... and then we can go on a date. Then hopefully we won't have these problems again" she asserts and I agree.

Turns out she liked me the whole time, ever since we first officially met. I had no clue and she just thought I was so quiet because I didn't like her. Just goes to show how a simple conversation—rather a simple kiss—can solve so much. "What are you thinking about, cutie?" she asks as we stroll down the street, "you. Always" I whisper as I pull her in for a kiss.

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