Sparks |l.t|

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Being Lydia's assistant certainly isn't an easy job but it is rewarding. She hired me with basically no experience and I worked hard to impress her. Countless nights spent up watching videos and learning about instruments and scores. Not just so I could do the job but in the hopes that we might have cause conversations.

That I'd be able to understand what she rambles about. Since music is such a big part of her life, I wanted to know everything I could. It's been 3 months so far and I've really enjoyed it. She's very professional but we also chat, though briefly. It's lunch time now so I start looking for places to eat.

She doesn't like when I just ask her, she prefers I have options already picked. I pick a few out and sigh, I still find it a bit hard to speak to her. At least when I'm disrupting her silence because I know she doesn't get a lot of that. "Are you hungry?" I ask first because if she isn't it'll save us both the awkwardness.

"Yeah" she replies simply, "alright... do you want: A Mano, Pequeña Habana, or Dae Mon, or PeterPaul?" I suggest and it's quiet as she thinks. "Whatever you want" she answers distractedly. "I wasn't going to get anything" I reply quietly and hesitantly. "Ok then whatever is quicker" she sighs and I nod going to see the times.

"A Mano is the closest..." I say, "what's that? Italian..." she says. "Correct" I reply confidently, "that's fine. Get yourself something too" she says sliding her card to the edge of the desk. "Oh- I... I'm really not hungry" I say. She looks up at me for the first time during our conversation.

Her eyes narrowing slightly and I just stare at her. "Don't make me repeat myself" she warns, "ok" I say. I grab her card and order the food, letting her know I'll leave to get it soon. No further words are shared between us, just working along side each other.

time skip

I put her food down on the desk and take my little dish to the couch. I set it on the coffee table and open it up. "What did you order?" She asks as she grabes her utensils out the package and spreads the napkin. "Meatballs" I reply softly, "and..." she prompts, "just meatballs" I say confused.

She sighs and rolls her eyes, getting up and pulling another chair behind her desk. "Come" she says and it takes me a few seconds before I get up and stand next to her. "Grab your container and sit" she clarifies and I do just that. She pushes some of her food into my container without saying anything.

"You really don't have to do that" I say looking at the food just sitting there. "Eat" she instructs and I do as she says, not wanting to annoy her. "You know if you wanted to eat with me you could've just said so" I joke. "Mm" she replies before taking a sip of her drink.

"Must be hard not being able to laugh" I quip, "I do laugh" she reply shortly. "I've never heard it" I say with an almost accusing tone. "And I've never heard you say anything funny" she retorts. "Ouch" I gasp dramatically and she chuckles softly. "Wow so that's all it took? What a sadist" I roll my eyes playfully.

"You don't know the half" she mutters to herself, "come again?" I ask teasingly, "in order to do that I'd have to have came once already" she quips. Turning her head slightly to look at me out the corner of her eye. "Funny" I chuckle dryly as I pick at the food in the container.

"You know normal people eat their food, not play with it" she says sternly yet soft. "I told you I wasn't hungry, you can't make me eat" I joke. "Says who?" She asks in a deeper tone making me gulp. "Will I have to feed you?" She asks teasingly, "I think I've got it covered" I reply.

"Be a good girl for daddy, won't you? I've told you I don't like repeating myself. I really wouldn't want to punish you" she whispers next to my ear. I shiver slightly and she chuckles, taunting me. I turn to face her and she gazes into my eyes daringly.

"I'm sure you'd like that" I say quietly, "maybe just a little bit" she replies. She nods to my food and I start eating. We talk a bit in between and she keeps checking to make sure I finish it. "You know, you're not so bad. I don't care what they say about you" I voice, trying not to laugh.

"Oh I'm sure they say a lot... what do you say?" She asks softly, I shrug in response. "It doesn't really matter" I mumble, turning to face her again when she fails to respond. "It's all that matters" she says, staring into my eyes with a blank expression. Yet her eyes are lit with emotion, a seemingly endless wildfire.

"I think... you're an enigma. You're many things... incredible, intimidating, iconic. You're a bit of bitch sometimes" I grimace apologetically. "But at heart, you're a good person. It's not easy being in charge, not that I would know, but I've seen it. At the bottom line, you're just human. That in itself is quite beautiful" I express.

I look up at her to see that she looks at me in awe. She shakes her head slightly and smiles softly. "You think I'm a bitch?" She asks raising an eyebrow teasingly, "only sometimes" I reply funnily. "You really think of me like that?" She asks, referencing the other things I said.

"Yeah. I really... admite you" I say truthfully, "I might... admire you too" she replies. "Well I guess we're just two little admiration orbs" I say grinning. It's silent for a moment before she giggles loudly. I smile even wider as I watch the biggest smile stretch across her face.

Her eyes crinkling in delight while her smile lines make a rare appearance. "You are... something, y/n. Something good. Something... magical" she whispers, "so are you, Lydia" I reply smiling shyly.

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