Not my lover |l.m|

643 36 18

As I stretch my body I groan at the stiffness and cold sheets. I force myself to get up, scraping through my morning routine. Once I'm done, I head downstairs to find something to ease my dry throat. I've been living at Lou's loft for a few months now. We met at her bar one night and I was so drunk that she just brought me back here.

Then the whole heist thing came about and I stayed for that as well. Now that it's coming to an end and everyone is starting to go their own way, I'm feeling lost. I don't really know where to go from here. I mean, after hearing about my toxic work situation, Lou offered me a job at her bar. I broke my lease with my landlord, since I was usually over here anyway.

Besides, it was just easier for me to commute with Lou. I reach the base of the staircase and see Debbie and Lou on the couch. Lou giggles about something which takes me aback because Lou Miller never giggles. It appears that Debbie said something that was supposed to be serious but, per usual, Lou thinks it a joke.

The brunette proceeds to tickle Lou, causing an unholy amount of giggles and pleads to leave her lips. It's not uncommon for them to be together, they're practically attached at the hip. That, however, does not stop my thoughts from racing. I've had a thing for Lou since I first laid eyes on her, how could I not?

Her light blonde hair with bangs that fall perfectly over her eyes, those lips that pull into a smirk whenever she's satisfied or amused. She's perfect in every way but, needless to say, she's never seen me in that light. Her focus has always been on other things or other people, I should say. I quietly slip into the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of water.

I look around trying to find something to eat but, at the sound of their hushed whispers, I lose my appetite. As I'm making my way back to the stairs I hear Lou call out for me. I turn around and raise my eyebrows at her, glancing at Debbie who eyes me curiously. "I didn't hear you come down. You wanna watch a movie?" the blonde asks me and I shake my head with pursed lips.

"Well... are you hungry? I could go grab you something, since there's nothing here" she suggests, "no, thank you" I reply softly. She narrows her eyes and me but nods, letting me go back to my room. A few hours have passed now and my stomach is screaming at me. I've been avoiding leaving my room all day because I don't want to see her and Debbie together.

I don't work today and I know Lou doesn't have plans, so Deb will be around all day. I eventually convince myself to get up, despite my heart's violent protests. As the lower level comes into view, I sigh in relief at the absence of life. I check the kitchen again and she was right, there's nothing here.

I groan as I realize I'll have to go out to get food. "Hey" I turn around to see Lou leaning against the doorframe. "Oh, hey" I reply hesitantly, "you hungry now?" she smirks and I nod slowly. "I was gonna go out for a ride. Get dressed. I'll take you out" she utters and as I open my mouth to protest she just raises an eyebrow.

I merely nod and return to my room, slipping on some clothes and heading back down. She smiles softly and gestures for me to follow her outside. She hands me the spare helmet and I can't help but think about every girl that's ever worn this. Debbie's probably worn it a million times before.

"I just bought it, if you're worried about lice or something" she jokes and it makes me smile. I slide it on, taking in the brand new smell. I grin goofily behind the visor as I imagine I'm the first person to ever wear it. You won't be the last. I hop on behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. I've never ridden with her, despite the many times she's asked.

But I've seen enough movies, and possess enough common sense, to know I have to hold on. She revs the engine before pulling off, slowly accelerating. My grip around her waist tightens as I press myself further against her. I hear her chuckle and I assume she thinks I'm frightened. In reality, I'm making the most of this time together.

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