Stay with me |l.t|

362 22 13

It all started when we were on vacation...

My hand is intertwined with the love of my life, Lydia. She makes me see life in a completely different way than before we met. Despite her often stoic nature, she doesn't hesitate to enjoy the little things in life — often pointing them out for me to join in the pleasure as well. She's always been meticulous like that, no detail too small. Tonight she suggested we take a walk, mostly because she likes to stargaze.

As we're on the way back to the hotel, I hear someone snicker. Both Lydia and I have a sensitivity to sound so we look at each other to confirm before trying to find the source. "So it is you" a man says as he jogs up from the other side of the street and I move closer to Lydia, wary of his presence. "Who are you?" she asks plainly, no real emotion behind her words but I can tell she's annoyed by the way her nails press against my jeans.

"Michael. You're Lydia Tár aren't you?" he questions, "depends on who's asking" I can hear her smirk which makes me crack a light smile but I don't take my eyes off the man. As much as I would love to admire her beautiful face, something prevents me from looking away from this stranger. "Oh no one... this is your girlfriend I assume" he continues and I'm becoming more confused by the second. "Yes, why?" if it all possible, she pulls me even closer to her.

"I was just wondering how a beautiful girl like you could date someone like her. Me personally, I would never date a psycho bitch but if that's your type I guess it's fine" he chuckles, directing his comment at me. I have quite the attitude sometimes but it gets even worse when someone says anything demeaning about those I love, Lydia especially. She's probably the one person I would defend with my life, I'm overly protective of her.

"Don't talk about her like that" I warn him, Lydia takes my hand and holds it firmly whispering to me that it's fine. "What, she's convinced you it was all a misunderstanding? That she just... wasn't in the right state of mind? People like her need to be in the looney bin and you know that too" he scoffs indignantly. "You don't know shit you little scum bag! Lydia is more than you could ever DREAM to be — you're probably just jealous because you get no bitches and I see why limp dick" I say angrily and for a moment he's in shock.

I hear Lydia hold in a laugh behind me and a smile grows on my face. "Oh you think that's funny, huh? I'll show you something funny" he quickly reaches in his jacket and before I can react he points a gun at me. "Hey, there's no need for that" Lydia is quick to intervene with a steady voice, "oh don't worry, you're next bitch" he pulls the trigger and time seems to freeze as I close my eyes. The sound goes off and I hear a set of footsteps running away.

I open one eye when I realize I'm still standing and I touch my torso, not feeling any pain. I smile and turn around, my eyebrows furrowing when I don't see Lydia. I look down to see her sprawled on the floor in what looks to be an uncomfortable position. "Oh my god" I drop to my knees, ignoring the sting as they hit the concrete. I hear her labored breathing and I assess her body to see a dark patch on her abdomen.

I press a hand on it and with shaky fingers I wrestle with the clasp on my purse to grab my phone. I hold the buttons, too anxious to wait for it to unlock. Once it pops up with the emergency option I swipe it and put it on speaker, pressing my now free hand on top of my other one. "It's gonna be ok" I mumble shakily, she simply nods as her eyes flutter. I give them the information and they stay on the phone in case he comes back.

"I'm right here" I say after she weakly grabs my wrist, she calls my name and I respond softly. "I love you" she whispers, "I love you too but you can't die" I state firmly. She chuckles wearily, groaning from the pain I assume. "I'm serious, Lydia. I don't give you permission to die" I try to say strongly but my voice trembles anyway. "Ok... I'm just gonna go sleep then" her words slur together and I try to tell her no but it's like she doesn't hear me.

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