Wishes and Kisses |f.z|

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Florence Zimmerman x Reader
TW: depression

I wish I was normal like the other girls... they can put on pretty dresses and makeup. They can do their hair in different styles and always look amazing. Me on the other hand... not so much. My insecurities prevent me from doing a lot, thanks mother.

It's almost comical, our relationship reminds me of Marlin and Nemo. "You think you can do these things but you just can't Nemo!" he yelled at him and Nemo did it anyway. That's me most times, then there's times like this. Times where I believe her and what seems like everyone else when they tell me I can't do things.

I just wish I didn't have to be like this, I wish I could be normal. I wish I wasn't 'chemically unbalanced' and constantly fighting with myself and others. My thoughts are so loud at times that the only thing that calms them is music. Music so loud you'd think I would no longer be able to hear.

Music so loud that you'd think I was completely insane if you passed by. I just sit there bopping my head softly or just driving calmly. Music blasting so I can't hear anything else. The one consistent upside I can find to this dilemma is Florence. Flor is always there to help me and comfort me whenever I need it.

She never leaves my side, even when it gets hard. I'm just laying in the bed staring at the ceiling since it's my day off. I don't really have the energy to do much else and I know if I get up I won't do anything good. So I just lay in bed wasting the day away. I hear the door open and I turn on my side like I'm asleep.

Even though it's two in the afternoon, I do tend to sleep late since I go to bed late. The bedroom door opens quietly and I hear rustling before the bed dips behind me. "Hi baby" she whispers and I can't help but to turn around at the sound of her voice. She pulls me into her arms without me having to say anything.

I inhale deeply, taking in her scent and exhaling some of my anxiety. "I'm here darling. Do you want to put in a film?" she asks sweetly and I nod into her chest as she grabs the remote. She puts on Ocean's 8 and lays back pulling me on top of her. She angles her body so I can still watch the movie.

When it's over I sit up, as does she while still holding me in her arms. "Little bit better?" she asks and I nod gesturing 'a little bit' with my fingers. She makes a funny face that causes me to giggle and wraps her arms tighter around me.

"There goes my baby" she says, "thank you" I reply quietly. "No need, my love. I'll always be here for you. No matter what" she promises and I hug her even tighter if that's possible.

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