Blue skies |f.z|

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You're sitting on your couch with some show playing in background that you've since lost interest in. Your phone buzzes beside you and you hear it but don't pick it up right away. After a few minutes it gives the second notification and you take a deep breath before picking it up. Your eyes soften seeing is Florence and you immediately open it.

Hi sweet girl there's a new recipe I want you to try for me do you mind if I come over?

You think about it for a few seconds but you knew you would agree. You think it's sweet how she's always so worried about her recipes and if they taste good. Florence is the best baker you know, you can't imagine her making anything that doesn't taste like food for the gods. She doesn't just bake either, her homemade meals are so comforting it's insane.

Her knock on the door abruptly stops your thoughts and you pause the neglected movie, making your way to the door as quickly as you can. The peephole confirms it's her and you open the door, stepping aside to let her in. You see that she has bags in her hand and you offer to take a few, "I've got, sweetheart" she assures you. Your nerves rise as she heads to the kitchen, knowing you haven't washed dishes in far too long.

It's only then that you notice she was planning on baking them here too. For some reason, you had assumed she already made them and was just bringing them over. The older woman assesses the state of your kitchen, instantly revealing to her the state of your mind recently. "I'm sorry, I know it's a mess. I didn't know you were going to use it... I'll clean it, it won't take long" you promise as you shuffle to the sink.

"Don't worry, little one, it's no problem. You go watch a movie and I'll take care of it" she places a hand on your shoulder and reassures you with her eyes. You ask if she's sure, your eyes pleading with her, and she simply nods as she nudges you away. You return to the couch with a new set of thoughts circulating. You're nervous as to what she'll think of you now — always being the perfect girl, but then there's this side.

Florence doesn't think too much on it, just gets started cleaning. As she hears the movie in the background, she smiles softly to herself. She has always had a soft spot for you, wanting to protect you from the world. Once she got to know you better, she realized that sometimes you were the very person you needed protection from. The witch learned to read your eyes very well, being able to tell what sort of thoughts were running rampant in your head.

She has always hated that you think so lowly of yourself sometimes, not noticing the impact you have on those around you. Florence is a good example in that you made her life so much better, simply with your presence. The woman has never felt more alive than when she's with you. She takes it upon herself to load the dishwasher, cleaning out your fridge, and wiping down all the countertops.

She wants to give you a clean slate, imagining how overwhelmed you must've been with all this. Afterwards, she gets started on mixing everything and preheats the oven. Meanwhile you're lost in your thoughts all over again as you disassociate to the sound of dishes softly clanking. You fidget, restlessness taking root in your body. You try to still yourself but it's no use, you can't get comfortable.

It's not that it's too cold, you have a thick blanket on you. There's nothing particularly wrong with you physically either, it's more of an internal issue. Your mind won't let you rest and it makes you more uncomfortable than words can describe. All the sounds in the house, the tv playing, the thought of Florence cleaning your kitchen, followed by cabinets opening and closing.

Everything you could possibly think of is floating through your consciousness all at once. Yet you're so overwhelmed that you can't pinpoint a single thought at all. "Hi, darling" you turn your head to see the kind woman rounding the couch to sit next to you. Florence rarely asks how you're doing or feeling, it's like she just knows. One single look at her and she can practically read your mind, you think.

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