Some dreams come true |b.e|

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As I'm finishing up cleaning the dishes I join Brie in the living room. I sit next to her and she turns to me, staring at me intently. I giggle as a way to fill up the silence before staring back at her. "What?" I ask, "nothing. You're just... very nice to look at" she mumbles and I smile shyly. "Aren't we gonna watch the show?" I question and she shakes her head slowly.

"I'd just like to talk—if that's ok with you" she proposes and I nod hesitantly, "yeah, sure—ok" I agree. "I want you to tell me about your dreams" she says and bite my lip as I think. "Well... the other night I had this really weird one where-" "not those types of dreams, silly girl. I mean your dreams, your goals... what do you want for the future?" she asks and I furrow my eyebrows.

Bee and I have been dating for over a year now and in that time I've learned a lot about her. I've learned about the woman behind the camera—under the makeup. She's nowhere near as superficial as she's painted to be. However, I never expected a question like this. Something so... deep and yet a question that should be rather simple.

"Umm... I don't know" I admit and she nods thoughtfully in response. "Let's start with... a house. What do you think your dream house looks like?" she inquires, leaning her side against the back of the couch. I curl my feet beside me and place my hands in my lap. There's no question to whether she's being serious or not. The blonde jokes often but when asking things like this... there's always a purpose.

"Well... I want a fancy kitchen in my dream house—like my final house. I want a flat top stove and a regular one because I love hibachi restaurants and... I think that would be my favorite type of things to cook. And also crepes—I love those—but the regular stove for pasta and other stuff" I ramble and she smiles softly. "Go on..." she whispers lovingly and I blush a little.

"And... maybe like one of those pot rack thingies—you know—the ones that hang over the stove? And a walk-in pantry with... one of those fancy fridges that look like cabinets" I giggle and she nods saying she knows what I mean. "And then the dining room... I'd like a glass table—which I know is probably unreasonable" I chuckle.

"Why do you say that?" she asks, "umm well I mean—with kids it's just... probably not the best idea to have something so breakable" I answer nervously. This isn't something we've discussed before—kids I mean. "I'm sure they'd be well behaved" she states and I smile widely at her indirect affirmation. "I'm sure they would" I agree in a whisper before she gestures for me to continue.

"Uhh I guess I'd want one of those L-couches, maybe? A grey one... I feel like it'd go with the colors or maybe it's just cause all the ones I've seen are that color" I giggle and she laughs along with me. "A big backyard for the kids and the dog" I say, "a dog?" she echos playfully. "Well yes, I was never allowed pets as a child so... a dog would be nice" I answer and she smiles.

"And maybe... maybe an attic—like a real attic. One I can furnish or decorate or something. For storage—yes—but also somewhere to go. With a window—a circular window—that looks out over the front yard. I suppose I'd rather live in the country but not too far from the city" I explain, "you seem to have thought about this a lot" she chuckles.

"I have. I used to think I wanted one of those huge houses with big glass windows from floor to ceiling. White countertops and walls... my vision was something so—so clinical—so cold. I still do like those in theory. Though now... I imagine more color, more life, more... warmth. But these are still silly things, really" I chuckle absently.

"Why do you say that?" she asks softly, "I mean... sure I want these things now but—wants change as needs change. I suppose it's nothing to re-furnish a house but... you can't reconstruct a home" a whisper. It's silent between us for a moment, the weight of my words sinking in. "But home isn't just bricks and mortar" she voices and my gaze lifts to meet her own.

"Home is—well home is where love is. As long as there is love home could be a car, a box—a shack" she giggles and so do I. "Rearranging furniture for feng shui doesn't change the foundation" she smiles funnily and I shake my head in amusement, "you have a point" I confirm. "I always have a point" she states confidently, "even when that point is wrong" I mutter under my breath funnily.

"Excuse me?" she questions, narrowing her eyes, "you're excused" I tease and she groans in response. "So... you want a fancy house?" she taunts, "it's not necessarily 'fancy' it's just... well a girl has needs" I joke and she chuckles deeply. "Oh I know..." she smirks as she leans closer and my eyes dart down to her lips. "Why don't I... fulfill some of those needs. Hm?" she whispers before capturing my lips with hers.

8 months later...

Brie has been being secretive all day today, not letting me leave the house. Finally she tells me she has a surprise for me and we're off in the car to some unknown destination. "Are you seriously giving nothing away?" I whine, "nope. I think you'll love it though—I hope at least" she chuckle nervously. "You being nervous makes me nervous" I admit and she shakes her head softly.

"Well nothing is set in stone anyways so—if you don't like it—then that's ok" she voices and my confusion only grows. My curiosity begins to overshadow it as I hear the gps announce we've almost arrived. I stay quiet, my leg bouncing in excitement as we grow closer. Finally, we turn the last corner and my eyebrows furrow in confusion. There's literally nothing on the street except for one house.

"Babe I-" she shushes me and I frown deeply as I side-eye her. She pulls into the driveway where there's one other car and I just feel even more confused. She turns off the car and comes around to open my door, helping me out as I don't move. The front door opens revealing an older woman with blonde hair. "Hi, welcome" she says gesturing for us to enter and I just look at Brie confused but go along.

"You requested a self-tour so I'll just be right outside if you need anything" she says before walking out and leaving us alone. "Ummm what are we doing here?" I ask softly and she just smiles softly, taking my hand and leading us further. We enter the kitchen and my eyes widen at the expensive fixtures. It's perfect. I run my hands over the countertops, the marble cold to the touch.

I glance around seeing the stoves, the pot rack—and it dawns on me. I quickly turn to Brie who looks at me with hopeful eyes, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth. "Do you like it?" she whispers, I open my mouth but nothing comes out in my state of shock. "You..." I trail as I look at her for the answers and she leans against the counter, beckoning me closer.

"You said to me that... this is what your dream looked like. I don't know if you remember but—when we first met—well when we started dating. I told you that I would do everything in my power to give you anything you want. I know that maybe this was a big step and... you can absolutely change your mind. I just thought that maybe—well because you shared those things with me... maybe I'm a part of your dream too" she whispers.

I tear up at her words and press my face against her chest as my arms wrap tightly around her wait. "Of course you're a part of my dream—you are my dream" I mumble before pulling away. "The best dream anyone could ask for" I whisper as I lean closer, capturing her lips with mine. We pull away and she sighs softly, caressing my cheek.

"So I take it you like the house?" she smirks, "well... we haven't seen it all yet so the verdict is still out but the kitchen—it's perfect" I grin as I blink away a few tears to which she smiles softly. We make our way upstairs, viewing each of the three bedrooms. Then on to the attic, a spacious addition with plenty of room for my imagination to flourish.

As we reach the ground floor again I turn to her and pull her closer by her waist. "You're amazing, you know that?" I whisper, "I've been told a time or two" I shrugs funnily. "This is by far the sweetest and most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me" I mumble, "there's plenty more where that came from" she replies.

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