Admit it |hela|

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I'm just casually strolling through the halls when I turn a corner and bump into something—rather someone. I look up to apologize, only to realize it's Loki and I roll my eyes. "You need to watch where you're going" he grumbles, "oh, spare me, it was an accident" I wave dismissively as I walk around him to be on my way.

"Do you like to piss me off?" he asks incredulously and I can hear him following me which makes me smirk. "It seems that you like being pissed off, considering you pull those little tricks on purpose" I point out, spinning to glance at him before looking forward again. "You know, I really don't like being accused of-" "oh my god shut up" I groan dramatically.

Within seconds I'm pinned against the wall, his forearm pressed against my chest but not hard enough to hurt. "Awww are you trying to frighten me?" I smirk, "need I remind you who you're talking to?" he challenges. I see another familiar suit out the corner of my eye, streaks of green and black, though I prefer her over him.

"Yeah, yeah, princey doesn't like it when someone refuses to kiss his feet" I taunt and he practically growls I'm frustration. "You're intolerable" he claims while leaning close to me, "I could say the same of you" I counter. "What's going on here?" I don't even turn as I hear her voice, having seen her lurking around.

Loki, however, is surprised and quickly turns his head towards her voice. I smirk and lean more comfortably against the wall as his tongue runs in his cheek. "You're damn lucky" he mutters as he turns back to me, "blessed, even" I mock and crane my neck forward a little just to piss him off even further. He scoffs but before he can say anything else, an arm comes between us.

She pushes him away, causing him to stumble slightly and I stifle a giggle. "You may be laughing now but-" "but what?" Hela interjects, moving to fully stand between us. "She won't always be here to protect you" he warns while dusting his pants off, "who said I need protecting?" I counter and he chuckles.

He takes a step closer to me but Hela stands her ground, stepping closer to him. He puts his hands up in a mock surrender form, glaring at me before storming off. I smile lightly to myself as I watch him disappear down the hallway, muttering to himself like a child. "You really shouldn't provoke him like that" she states and for the first time I turn to her.

"He won't do anything" I shrug, "what makes you so sure?" she questions and I smirk. "Loki and I have a complicated... relationship but, he won't actually hurt me" I tell her, "relationship?" she inquires and my smirk only widens. I hum in response as I cross my arms over my chest and continue leaning on the wall.

"Elaborate" she commands softly, taking a few steps towards me. "On..." I prompt, "this sudden 'relationship' you seem to have with my brother" she states firmly, now standing directly in front of me. She had a slight frown on her face as she stares down at me but I'm not worried. It's easy to displease her so it's of no concern to me.

"What's it to you?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow and her frown only deepens. In the blink of an eye her hand is around my throat and I tilt my head back. "I am not my brother. I will hurt you" she threatens and I know it's dumb but I can't hold back my giggle. "What's so funny?" she questions while leaning closer to me, those two really are related—so easily antagonized.

"I find it funny that you threaten me because you're jealous" I state calmly, "jealous? Of what?" she scoffs in disbelief. "That whole display with Loki... he was partially right—though I'll never tell him that" I chuckle, "about you protecting me. Why is it that you do that?" I whisper as I feel her grip loosen on my throat.

"It's the right thing to do" she mumble, "is it? Or... is there some special reason you feel a need to do it? Hmm?" I poke and she closes her eyes, sighing while taking a step back. "Maybe—well maybe you like me. Though I don't see why you wouldn't just say that" I say and she takes steps away from me as I push off the wall and come closer.

"Come on, Hela. Tell me. Why?" I ask and by now we've made it to the other side of the hallway. The goddess' back pressed against the wall as I stand in front of her, trapping her body with my arms on either side. "You could easily get away from me—you and I both know that. So you obviously wanna be right here..." I taunt, her eyes finally opening.

"You know why" she mumbles, "because you like me?" I tease and she groans. She flips us over so my back is once again to the wall and places her hands on either side of my head. "I love you, and you know that. So stop acting like a little brat. Next time I won't be so nice" she warns and I hum, "oh yeah?" I counter to which she huffs.

"Yeah. Next time... I'll see to it that Loki never even looks in your direction" she states firmly. "Seems a bit possessive of you" I smirk, "because you're mine. You know it, I know it, and Loki will certainly get the message" she whispers. I smile softly as her lips brush mine, taking the initiative to press them together.

She bites my bottom lip while pulling away, a whimper escaping my lips as she releases it. "For what's it worth, I love you too" I whisper with a grin spreading across my face. "I know. I'm glad you finally admit it" she chuckles, brushing hair behind my ear. "So this means I won't have any more problems with you and Loki, correct?" she questions but I know what she wants to hear.

"Well I wouldn't want anything happening to the poor boy" I giggle, "good. Now let's go celebrate" she says. She wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to her side as she leads me. "And... exactly what kind of 'celebration' is this?" I inquire, "one you'll definitely enjoy" she smirks while pushing open the bedroom door...

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