Marissa pt.3

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I woke up and felt around the bed to find Marissa gone. I sat up quickly and looked around but I couldn't hear her either. I got up reluctantly and put on my clothes form last night because I didn't have anything else to wear. I quietly opened the door and made my way downstairs. As I got closer tot he bottom I smelled something delicious. I followed my nose the kitchen to find her in there over the stove.

I tiptoed e hind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Good morning, honey" she said softly before turning around to give me a kiss on the forehead. "Mmm good morning... trying to surprise me huh?" I asked cheekily and nudged me a little bit. I let go and leaned my back against the counter next to her as she continued making the pancakes.

"Well I tried" she chuckled, "how are you even more gorgeous in the morning?" I asked pushing hair behind her ear so I could see her better. "Whatever. Go get changed, I'm almost done. You can pick anything from my dressers"she instructs, "sir yes sir" I said giving a fake salute. She giggled and shooed me back upstairs and I entered her room once again.

I opened a few drawers before I found something comfortable. I folded my clothes neatly and rested them on a chair in the corner. I walked back down to see her placing the food on the table. Once she finishes I grab her by her waist and turn her around to face me. "Hi my beautiful girlfriend" I say smiling widely. "Well hello to you too, my little one" she replies.

As I'm staring into her eyes I hear another set of footsteps padding softly down the stairs. I look at her confused but she just smiles and instructs me to sit. She leaves the room and I hear some hushed whispering before she come back with a blonde girl right behind her. "Good morning" she says just as surprised to see me as I am to see her. "Y/n this is Hanna. Hanna, y/n" she introduces us before sitting down.

Hanna sits across from me and stares at me through narrower eyes. "You're the friend my mom brought over last night?" She asks and I nod while Rissa dishes food on my plate. "How do you know my mom?" She asks picking up her fork and taking a bite. I look at Marissa and she looks at me expectantly. "Well I go to the school she teaches at" I say, "so you're her student?" She asks rhetorically and I just nod.

She glances at Marissa before turning her attention back to me. "She's my girlfriend" Marissa speaks up and both of our heads snap in her direction. "Since when?" Hanna asks quickly, "last night" her mom clarifies. She looks back at me and slowly gives me a one over, seemingly analyzing all my features. "How old are you?" She asks calmly, "23" I reply.

"Do you love her?" She asks bluntly before taking another bite. "Hanna we haven't-" she starts but I cut her off, "I do" I say sincerely. "Well that's all that matters. Don't hurt her, or I WILL kill you" she says. "I have no doubts about that, and I promise I won't" I tell her. I look at Marissa who is staring at me with tears in her eyes. Hanna stands up and walks around the table, "stand up" she says simply. I stand and she wraps her arms around me pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

I wrap my arms around her as tight as I can abs she giggles. "Be good to her... she needs it" she whispers in my ear and I nod. She pulls away and walks back over ri pick up her plate. "I'll give you two some privacy" she says giving her mom a kiss on the cheek before retreating.

Once I hear her door close I hear a sniffle right after. I put my hand out on the table taking Marissa's hand in mine.
"What's wrong baby?" I ask softly, "you really love me" she said more as a statement than a question. "I really do" I say squeezing her hand, I stand up and sit on her lap so I can wrap my arms around her. "I love you too" she whispers in my neck. I hug her even tighter as I inhale her natural scent.

"You're the best person to ever come in my life..." she pulls back to look in my eyes and tell me. "Besides Hanna" she giggles making me laugh too.
"I hope I can continue to be in your life for as long as you'll have me" I say stroking her hair. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" she says cupping my cheek and pulling me into a dizzying kiss. We pull away and I rest my forehead against hers. "You amaze me Marissa Weigler" I say with my eyes closed, "Du überraschst mich auch. Ich liebe dich"she says. "Du weißt, mein Deutsch ist scheiße" I reply.
(Translations: "you amaze me too. I love you" "you know, my German is shit")

"Ich schätze, du wirst lernen müssen" she chuckles. "Only for you, liebchen" I say giving her a soft kiss on the lips before we finish our breakfast.
(Translation: "I guess you'll have to learn")

Liebchen is from ahs freakshow btw Elsa used to say it and it means sweetheart also I speak absolutely 0 German so if anyone sees it's wrong say it and I'll correct it 😂

Here's your part three CatherineCate14

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