Living |hela|

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The goddess felt like people lived wrong, they were doing life wrong. Some even just breathing incorrectly—though she'd prefer if a few just ceased to breathe at all. Except you. You are the one person in the world that she finds perfect. Yet that's the furthest thing from the truth. Your clumsy nature doesn't exactly make for the most elegant stride.

However, that's actually one of the things she loved most about you. Sometimes she would catch you in the halls—literally. You would trip on something, most times your own feet, and she would always catch you before you collide with the ground. She thought it was so cute how flustered you get whenever that would happen.

It never crossed her mind to verbalize her affection towards you. Given her title and status, she figured it just wasn't a smart move. Besides, she'd seen you with a few girls around the palace. You were very touchy with them, calling them cute pet names. It made her jealous even though she had no valid reason to be.

Therefore, it never occurred to her that you may reciprocate these feelings. Except you do, more than she could ever know. You sometimes happen upon her training in the courtyard or the large field. You'll sit and watch her as she spars or throws her swords at a tree. You're mesmerized by her body and the way she moves; her precision.

As you wander through the hallways of the palace, you find yourself lost in thought. Of course it's the raven-haired woman occupying your mind. Your thoughts often drift to her: what she might be doing, if she's feeling ok, if she's single. You often asked yourself if she even liked women but it soon became obvious to you.

There are women who love women and then there are women who love women. It can be hard to tell the difference but given the way she carries herself and handles other women, it's quite obvious. She may not have entertained anyone but the feelings are there. You're torn from your thoughts by an unsteady feeling under your feet.

It all happens within seconds. Your eyes dart to the floor seeing a caution sign and you perceive the slickness of the shiny surface. You don't have much time to react but you try to back up. Unfortunately, you move a little too fast and end up slipping. Out the corner of your eye, you see someone rounding the corner ahead and groan.

Now you won't only be bruising your ass but also your ego, since someone else will bear witness to your clumsiness. The person seems to move at lightening speed and you almost call out for them that the floor is wet. Except you're too busy trying to brace your fall. As they come closer, you notice that it's Hela and you smile softly despite your position.

She quickly slides across the floor and manages to catch you, all while staying on her feet. "You ok, darling?" she asks as she helps you stand and you don't reply as you pant softly. All of it happened so fast but it also felt so slow. You'd braced yourself for impact so your adrenaline is still running high.

Reader pov
I stare at her for a moment, lost in the icy blue of her eyes. Blue may stereotypically represent colder things, but there is nothing other than warmth in these eyes. "Uhh y-yeah" I stutter, internally cursing at myself for being so hopeless. "Are you sure?" she asks softly and you nod slowly, your eyes never leaving hers.

"You should be more careful. You could've busted your ass" she warns funnily and it's now that I notice her arm still wrapped around my waist. "Well good thing you're here to save me" I whisper, our faces so close that I'm afraid I was a bit too loud. I realize what I've implied and I go to take it back but she cuts me off.

"Yeah... good thing" she echos and I take a deep breath before stepping back. "Sorry for umm distracting you—I'm sure you were on your way somewhere important" I mumble, "don't apologize. Nothing is more important than your safety" she states firmly. "You care a lot about your subjects" I giggle softly at the formality of it all.

"I care a lot about you" she corrects me and my eyes dart up to meet hers. She smiles lightly but it seems forced and her eyes tell a completely different story. "Oh... I didn't know you-" "forget it" she states and I shake my head. "No I—umm I guess I just—how do you mean that? I mean I didn't know you consider us... friends" I explain.

"I suppose we're not friends" she says, "I mean I would like to be your friend" I reply shyly. I would like to be much more than her friend. "I don't think that's a good idea" she sighs, "well, why not?" I ask softly. "I don't think I can be your friend—not just your friend" she clarifies and my eyebrows raise in surprise.

"You mean..." I prompt, "yes. I... have feelings for you—romantic feelings" she mutters. No fucking way. "Hela..." I breathe out, feeling speechless after her confession. "See? I can't be your friend. I have to go but please be careful" she says quickly before turning to walk away.

I can't seem to find words but I do manage to get myself to take action in another way. I grip her arm tightly to stop her and then move to stand in front of her. She looks down at me with a blank face but I can see the complex sea of emotions swimming in the deep blue of her eyes. I realize that I didn't really think much past getting her to stop.

All I knew was that I needed to stop her from walking away. So I hold her still by her arms until I'm sure she won't move. My grip loosens and with slightly trembling hands I cup her cheeks. I keep eye contact, watching for any sign of hesitation. I need to know if she wants this as much as I do.

Her tongue darts out across her lips and my eyes catch it, face focusing in on them. I step closer to her, our bodies now flush against each other. "Well..." she whispers, "can I- I mean do you want me to..." I insinuate and she nods. "Words, please" I demand softly, "kiss me" she commands and I don't hesitate to press my lips against hers.

Her arms wrap securely around my waist and she pulls me even closer to her. Despite her grip on me, her soft lips move gently against my own. It's a slow and passionate kiss, neither of us rushing it. I pull away for air and open my eyes, seemingly at the same time as the goddess. "You're so beautiful" she whispers, her voice so soft— so quiet it's almost like a breath.

"I think you're gorgeous" I reply softly, "thank you, baby" she mumbles and I giggle shyly at the pet name. "I guess now I can ask you to be my girlfriend... if you'd like that" she asks, "I would" I reply decidedly. "How lucky am I to have the prettiest girl in the universe as my girlfriend" she grins widely, "I'm asking myself the same thing" I whisper.

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