Drunk Confessions |f.z|

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I went out tonight and had the time of my fucking life. Did Jonathan specifically instruct me not to go out? Yes. Do I care? Absolutely not. I'm an adult and have free will, therefore I will go where I please. However I do live in his house... there's an issue there.

But he would never kick me out especially for something this small. I really just hope Zimmy isn't up because that's where the problem will lie. I stumble onto the front porch and unsteadily unlock the door. Trying my hardest to be quiet, I shut it behind me and take off my shoes.

As I'm approaching the stairs a light turns on behind me and I sigh. I spin around slowly, very slowly so I don't get dizzy. I'm also not very excited to talk to whoever this is. I finally turn fully around and scan the room to see her sitting in the velvet green armchair.

She raises a perfectly arched eyebrow at me and I already know how this is going to go. I drag myself over and stand as best I can in front of her. "For heavens sake" she mutters before turning off the light. She picks me up gently and carries me up the stairs and to my room.

"What in the dickens were you doing out so late? Besides drinking obviously" she says gesturing to my inebriated form. "I- ummm" I lose my train of though as I stare at her hovering over me. "I-I umm. Spit it out" she says looking directly into my eyes. "You're so hot" I whisper as I scan her body shamelessly.

"What?" She asks confused, "you're. So. Hot" I say slowly as I sit up. She backs away and chuckles nervously while shaking her head. "You're deflecting" she mutters, "and you're blushing" I reply. "I-I am not" she says trying to keep it together, "look who's stuttering now" I point out funnily.

"Y/n. Don't get off topic" she says looking into my eyes sternly. "I'm not... my focus is right here" I say gesturing towards her. I can basically see her mind go blank as she stares back at me. "You know... I never told you just how I feel about you" I say. The liquid courage rushing through my veins providing me the balls to say this.

"When I first met you, I thought 'damn whoever she's married to is VERY lucky'. I simply couldn't tear my eyes away from you. Over the years my feelings have just grown stronger and deeper. I mean... you're just so sexy" I whisper as I reach for her jaw.

I successfully grasp it between my fingers and turn her face to look at me. She's as red as a tomato and I can't help but giggle. "What is it..." I say trying to get her to look me in the eye. "Nothing" she says standing up and brushing off the nonexistent lint on the skirt of her perfectly ironed dress.

"Sit down" I say, she goes to protest and I pull her by her wrist making her fall on the bed. "You never have been capable of taking a compliment" I sigh deeply. "I-it's not that. I just... I know you're only saying this because you're drunk" she reasons.

"Drunk words, sober thoughts" I remind her. "That's bullshit" she says under her breath. "Trust me. I mean... every. Word. You're incredibly irresistible. Not just your body either. Your intelligence... the magic you possess. Both literally and figuratively. The way you make feel..." I bite my lip as I get lost in thought.

"Y/n" she says snapping me back into place. "Yeah" I reply, "I think you should just get some sleep. I won't tell Jonathan you were out late and we can just forget all this" she says. Yet she doesn't move, she doesn't want to go.

"But you don't want to forget, just like me. Come on Flor, let it go. Relax" I say rubbing my nails up and down her arm. "Y/n I-" her breathing becomes irregular and I can see how hard she's trying to compose herself. "Just melt into it" I say pulling her shoulders gently so she's laying next to me.

She stares at me nervously as I push a stray hair out her face. "You're so beautiful..." i whisper, "you're so drunk" she chuckles. "I may be intoxicated but I'm not drunk. Even if I was... well a fool could see just how gorgeous you are. Sweet... caring... loving... perfect" I say moving closer with each word.

By the time the last word leaves my lips our noses are touching. "If all this is true... why haven't you said anything before?" She inquires, "so you feel it too?" I reply. "W-well I... you didn't answer my question" she counters.

"So that's a yes... as for me, well I didn't want to cross a boundary. Someone as elegant as yourself being into me... almost unbelievable" I mutter. My hand absentmindedly caresses her cheek. "You really mean it..." she whispers in disbelief.

"Are you shocked? I mean look at you..." I bite my lip. "You're breathtaking. Always so nice and making sure I'm safe. You can cook, bake, not to mention how effortlessly you make my heart beat out of my chest. Just by looking at me... and when you touch me... even if just brushing my shoulder in passing. You're amazing" I confess.

"I... I don't know what to say" she admits shyly. "You don't have to say anything. Even if you don't feel the same way- just knowing that you know is enough. The most caring, intelligent, beautiful, sexy goddess... to ever grace the earth. Knowing that you're loved and someone sees the effort- I see the the effort. That... is a win all on its own" I whisper.

My hand unconsciously traveling to trace her exposed collarbone. "You- you love me?" She asks, "of course I do. How could I not?" I reply rhetorically. It's silent for a moment, just soft breaths and the low hum of the central air.

I feel her lips brush against mine and I open my eyes to see which one of us leaned in. I'm drawn to her like a magnet so it'd be no surprise if I managed to do it on accident. Her eyes are glued to mine as I feel her lip tremble in the slightest manner.

"Don't be nervous" I whisper against her lips and she closes her eyes allowing herself to sink into the moment. I lean forward and gently press our lips together. It's a short kiss but it was better than I could've imagined. Feeling her so close... reality finally hits for me.

She likes me back! "Do you umm... maybe wanna stay here tonight?" I ask shyly. "Definitely" she whispers wrapping her arms around me. I turn over so my back is to her even though I would love to look at her adorable face until I fall asleep.

She scoots closer and kisses me lightly behind my ear making me smile. "I love you too by the way" she says softly, I smile even wider before closing my eyes and melting into her.

This is wayyy longer than I intended but I hope you like it :)

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