I Can Help |hela|

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After a long day of conquering it was finally time for a little rest. Hela wasn't too fond of this part of the day but as I tell her all the time, it's much needed. We had already taken a bath and now it was time to get in bed and sleep. I knew she could be quite restless at times and honestly I think she had a fear of sleep. Maybe because she felt like she didn't get enough done. It could also be the nightmares she would have almost constantly.

Trust me I know, I'd have to wake her up from them and comfort her. I didn't mind doing any of this though, because I love her with all of me. As we laid down she turned towards me and I did the same to her. We usually talked until I fell asleep, I was usually the first one to slip into sleep. "How was your day?" I asked her, even though I'd been with her for most of it. "Well after you left I had a meeting with the army..." she said rolling her eyes.

We'd often have this conversation which typically resulted in her calling them 'incompetent'. "Then I ate and sparred with Loki... if I hadn't went easy I would've killed him. I still don't understand why my dad chose him over me" she sighed.

I rubbed her back soothingly, I knew this was something that comforted her. We've talked about her dad a few times and I can see the pain in her eyes she tried to mask with anger. "How was your day baby?" She asked sweetly and I thought about it. "Long. I missed you" I said giving her a soft kiss and she chuckled. "We were only apart for a few hours" she tried to reason with me but I wasn't having it.

"Yes 3 VERY long hours. I was so bored without you" I pouted and she cuddled me. Then I remembered something I was doing today and my eyes lit up.

"What is it?" She asked narrowing her eyes skeptically. "So... I was doing some research today" I started, biting my lip. "Oh god" she said putting her hand to her forehead. "No no it's good. I PROMISE" I said giving her puppy eyes and she sighed once again. "Go ahead" she said nodding once and I got super excited again.

"I know you struggle with nightmares and things like that. And I always feel so bad that I can't help you. So... I found this spell that I think might work" I say and she tilts her head curiously at me. Hela had found me a while ago on earth and it was quite a time.

I had found out I had powers and already been to an academy. I graduated and was finally able to be stable on my own. Then she swooped me up and brought me here to help her. I don't know why she didn't take Cordelia, the supreme, I mean she was the strongest witch on earth. But she said there was something about me that was special and intrigued her.
Whatever that was.

Anyways I had powers and I hadn't really been reading up on it since I got here. I was too distracted with my other responsibilities but I put it to the test today. I really wanted to help her.

"Will you just let me try? Please" I begged and she nodded saying I could. I put one hand to her head and said the incantation with intention. I repeated once again just in case and then opened my eyes. "I don't feel any different" she shrugged and I chuckled at her impatience. "You won't silly. You'll just have to see if it works when you go to sleep" I said smiling and she agreed. She cuddled me, of course I was the little spoon, and we went to sleep.
I woke up a few hours later, this was how it always was. My internal clock just woke me up throughout the night to make sure she was ok. Most times she would slip out the bed so I wouldn't worry about her. So that I didn't have to 'deal' with her nightmares so I just trained myself to periodically wake up. But to my pleasant surprise she was sound asleep next to me. I smiled to myself and drifted off back into my dreams.
I work up in the morning and stretched, Hela was no longer next to me. I frowned a bit and got up, wrapping a robe around my body. I saw the door to our balcony cracked open and I peeked my head out. There she was, in all her glory, looking out over her kingdom. I stepped out quietly and wrapped my arms around her from behind. She melted back into me and I sighed contently as I felt her warmth again. She turned around in my arms and wrapped her arms around my waist. I moved my arms around her neck and looked into her eyes.

I gave her a sweet peck but that wasn't enough for her so she pulled me in for a deeper kiss. Which I happily accepted and when we pulled away I looked at her again. "How'd you sleep?" I asked absentmindedly as I admired her every feature. "Fantastic! I didn't have ANY nightmares. In fact, I had a dream. A good one" she said smiling. I grinned at the fact that my spell worked and that she was happy.

"What was your dream about?" I asked curiously since she's never had dreams to tell me about. "You were there... and I was there... and we were in the grand hall" she said vaguely.

I furrowed my eyebrows, she chuckled at my confusion and continued. "I was telling you how much I loved you and you were doing the same. And then we slipped rings on each other's fingers and..." she trailed off seeing that I got the point. "What are you trying to say Hela?" I jokingly poked her shoulder and she laughed. She got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. "Will you be my queen?"

I don't know about ya'll but I feel like this is the best I've ever written when I proofread it I was like 😧 "i wrote that?" Lmao anyways I hope you enjoyed and feel free to request anything you want to see :)

Have a great (whatever time of day it is for you 😂) 💕

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