The Morning After |b.e|

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Somehow Brie managed to drag me to a party last night. I pleaded with her not to go, or at the very least to let me stay home. It obviously didn't work though and we partied almost all night. By 3 am I could barely keep my eyes open. I pulled her by her dress basically clawing at the walls to stay.

She had surpassed the point where I could call her drunk. Managing to keep her outward composure but not being able to conceal it fully. Her mouth was the issue, in more ways than one. Not only was she making the most vulgar jokes I'd ever heard from her, or anyone for that matter.

She also couldn't keep that mouth of hers to herself. Frequently leaning over to press kisses on my body. Whether it be my cheek, my collar bone, once even going straight for my boobs. At that point I decided it'd be best we go. Which brings me here. Standing over her in her room as I feel her forehead.

Constantly checking to see if she's still breathing. Her eyes finally begin to flutter and I breathe a sigh of relief. She opens her eyes and smiles up at me wearily. "Mmm" she moans, wiping her mouth unceremoniously. "What time is it?" She asks in a raspy voice, granted by the lack of use during her slumber.

Rather a hibernation I would call it due to the length. "4pm" I reply still worried, "hmm" she hums turning her head back to lay on the pillow. Bringing a hand to rest between her face and the pillow. While the other cradles her neck, fitting snuggly in the pocket created by her shoulder.

"Well... I slept for almost twelve hours but I might still be tired. Let's go for twelve more just in case" she yawns. "Brie, that's a coma" I say astounded, "sounds festive" she mumbles. Her face relaxing more as she slowly slips back into sleep. "No" I decide, flinging the sheets off her only to regret it seconds after.

I reveal her fully bare form and for a few seconds my gaze wanders. I can't help but to take her in for all she is, her body splayed like a work of art before me. I shake my head and turn away, "come on, get up. I'm ordering lunch" I state. "Pleaseee" she whines, I here the cover rustle and turn to see her covered again.

"Just a few more minutes, baby" she mutters tiredly. I open my mouth to reply but stop to think for a second. Wait... baby? Did Brie Evantee really just call me baby? "I won't say it again" I tell her firmly and she groans but throws the duvet off herself. Her naked body back on display and I don't make the same mistake again.

I quickly turn on my heels and leave her there to ready herself. Calling in to her favorite restaurant nearby. As her assistant I know almost everything there is to know about her. Mostly from drunken nights just like last night. I learned she was bisexual from our first night out together.

"You know that guy... Richard? No that's not right... Rick! No no no wait... Randall! That's it. Yeah, Randall. I slept with him... pretty sticky honestly. Not him. I mean his whole... thing. He's married. Well I'm assuming was at this point" she snickers. "Uhhh" I reply, not sure what I'm supposed to say.

"ANYWAYS... my point is... I didn't care for him much. He was just, ugh how do you say... easy. Tell you a secret" she motions for me to lean in, "who I really wanted? That girl Kate. Fuck she was so hot... I just wanted to... well full disclosure, but you know how I am. I just wanted to eat her pussy until she was hoarse from screaming my name all night" she says smirking.

I feel my body getting hot even now as I think back on it. I get lost in my thoughts, being brought out by a knock on the door. I retrieve the food and grab plates, setting it up just how she likes it. I turn to go get her and see her leaning against the doorframe watching me. I jump and bring a hand to my chest, closing my eyes as I chuckle.

"You startled me" I say as I calm down, my heart still pounding but for a completely different reason. She walks over slowly, now looking pristine just as I've always known her to be. Even in pyjamas she looks ethereal. Sitting down she motions for me to do the same across from her.

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