Drunk confessions pt. 2

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I wake up and turn over to my other side facing the window. Otherwise I'll never get out this bed. I groan softly and my eyes flutter, I blink a few times before they finally pry themselves open. A sigh escapes my lips as I gain awareness of my surroundings.

I sit up and swing my legs over the edge of the bed after laying there for a moment. I rub my eyes softly as I stand up and stretch my body. A few pops here and there leaving me satisfied. I not so graciously make my way to the bathroom. Not bothering to look in the mirror knowing I got shitfaced last night.

I brush my teeth and wash my face before finally daring to look at myself. Not too bad. I brush through my hair and settle for the look I've achieved. Then I look down and realize I'm still in my clothes from last night. A shower is definitely needed.

I mentally facepalm myself and promise to never get that drunk again. I chuckle knowing that's certainly one I'll break to myself. I quickly shower and put on a comfortable outfit before making my way downstairs. The smell of something sweet lingers in the air as I go to the kitchen.

I see Florence by the stove, her back turned to me as she tends to something. I glance over the counters seeing various bowls about. The dining table with a seemingly fresh baked cake and even muffins. "Good morning" I say groggily, my voice still a bit raspy since it's my first time using it today.

"Morning" she says cheerily without turning to look at me. She must be really focused on whatever she's doing. I open the fridge, not knowing what I'm looking for. "I made you pancakes" I hear her say behind me. My mood instantly lifts and I close the fridge settling for a chocolate milk.

"Yay!" I say going over as she puts some on a plate and hands it to me. She still doesn't make eye contact with me and it's starting to worry me. "You ok, Flor?" I ask her and she just nods while chuckling nervously. I decide to drop it for now since she clearly doesn't want to talk about it.

"Where's Jonathan?" I ask her as I sit down, "he went out earlier with Lucas, probably to buy something. Although, you know him, always getting distracted. He should be back soon" she explains and I nod taking a sip of my milk.

"God you're amazing" I say as I bite into the pancakes. Closing my eyes and moaning at the wonderful taste. I open my eyes to see her looking at me for the first time this morning. I blush slightly and avert my gaze to my plate so she doesn't notice.

I swiftly finish breakfast, practically inhaling it and wash my plate. She hadn't said another word and I can no longer hide my anxiety. "I know somethings wrong... did I do something last night o-or say something?" I ask desperately wanting to know.

I barely remember making it to the doorstep in all honesty. I know I got to my room somehow and there's flashes of her being there. Other than that I'm not sure if anything. "Nope" she says stirring her pot just slightly more aggressively. "I must have" I conclude knowing how elusive she can be.

"It's fine, y/n" she sighs, "it's not. I don't like when you're mad at me" I say sadly. "I'm not angry with you" she says calmly but I hear sadness in her voice. "Well I don't want you being disappointed with me either. I'm sorry for-" just as I'm about to apologize I remember.

As if I was hit in the head, more and more memories come flooding back. I love you. "So I'm assuming you remember now" she says quietly. I don't say anything for a moment out of shock. She said it back, right? Am I imagining that? She takes her pot off the stove in the meantime and lets it cool.

"You're stress baking" I say, "and you're deflecting" she replies. I look up to see her staring at me but this time she doesn't look away. "I do... love you" I say hoping that's what's been on her mind. She sighs but I can't tell if it's relief or something different.

"I'm sorry if that's the reason you're so stressed. You can just forget it, no worries" I say rocking on my feet. "I don't want to" she says walking towards me slowly. Once she's close enough the room seems to shrink. She looks into my eyes lovingly and smiles softly.

Her hands come to caress my cheeks and I melt into her touch. Of course she's always been affectionate, that's just how she is. But this? This is different. "I love you too, darling" she says smiling widely. She leans in cautiously, making sure I'm ok. I get impatient and close the gap, pushing our lips together gently.

They move on one accord with one another. As if this is something we've always done. I pull away after a short time and rest my head against her chest since she's taller than me. "I love you" I say wrapping my arms around her waist.

"And I, you, my love" she whispers in my ear as she strokes my hair. Her other arm holding me close to her as if I would ever want to part. "Not to ruin the mood but uh... Jonathan?" I ask quietly. "He knows how I feel about you, don't worry about that" she replies softly.

"So I was just clueless" I sigh, "just a little, honey" she chuckles. "Ugh I need sugar to deal with my disappointment" I sigh dramatically. I can feel the vibration of her chest as she laughs, bringing a smile to my face. "Well lucky for you, you have plenty of choices" she says loosening her grip on me.

"I never said I wanted to let go" I say clinging to her, producing yet another giggle out of her. "And how exactly are we going to get to the sweets, my sweet?" She says looking down at me. "I'll figure it out" I say pulling her with me as she shakes her head.

"So what've we got?" I ask curiously as I look up at her. "Cake, muffins, cookies, cake pops, and I'm finishing crème brûlée" she says. "Golly you've been busy" I giggle, "I certainly have, haven't I?" She replies, giggling to herself as well.

"Let's hope I don't eat it all" I say teasingly, "I can think of one person who wouldn't be too happy about that..." she smiles thinking of Jonathan. "On that note i think I'll eat it all before he returns" I chuckle finally letting go to grab a snack.

"Naughty girl" she smirks, "I'll be your naughty girl" I say in a seductive tone making her blush. "Acting innocent, are we? I suppose I'll have to change that" I say grabbing a cookie and taking a bite. I back away before running up the stairs making her chase me.

"Oh I'll get you!" She yells after me almost making me fall from laughter. "I'm sure you will! Will you punish me, mommy?" I call out abruptly stopping and turning around. Before I can make another smart remark I'm pinned against the wall.

"Careful, kitten. You don't know what I'm capable of" she says in a deep tone I've never heard before. One hand holds mine above my head, the other runs up and down my waist. "Game on" I say leaning my head back and dropping the rest of the cookie in my mouth. Somehow managing not to drop it.

"I'm home!" We hear Jonathan yell from the door. "Until later" she whispers with a smirk before kissing my cheek. "I'm looking forward to it" I say licking my lips while looking in her eyes. Her gaze darts down to my lips and she leans in but I quickly move out of her grasp.

"How was your time out?!" I yell before running down the stairs. Leaving her there staring at me in shock with lust blown pupils.

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