You're mine (1/2)

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You and Lou were sort of friends with benefits until you began to fall for her. She called it off and ever since you've both been keeping your distance.
I came downstairs to get a glass of water when I see Rose in the kitchen. "Oh hey Rosie" I say with a smile as I get my water. "Hey y/n/n! How are you, sweetie?" She asks happily as she gives me a hug. "I'm alright" I reply putting my glass in the sink after finishing it.

"You wanna watch a movie? I think everyone else is pretty busy" she says rolling her eyes playfully. "Sure" I giggle and we make our way over to the couch. We talk a bit as we pick the movie and I cuddle up with her as it starts. She wraps an arm around my shoulder and lightly plays with my hair.

It's honestly so soothing I find it hard to focus on the movie. A set of footsteps coming down the stairs breaks me out of my comfortable trance. I turn my head slightly and see Lou coming down. She turns to me and looks between me and Rose before looking away.

She heads out to the balcony and I see her quickly light a cigarette. I debate for a moment on wether I should check on her but I can't help it. "Hey I'm just gonna step outside for a minute, ok?" I say to Rosie and she glances over and nods understandingly. I smile at her then get up and slip out to talk to Lou.

"Hey" I announce my presence quietly and she doesn't even turn to me. "Hey" she replies dryly, "you ok?" I ask her softly as I lean against the guard rail. "Yep" she says exhaling a cloud of smoke in front of her. I notice how careful she is not to blow it in my face. "You don't seem like it" I point out, turning to face her while still supporting myself on the railing.

She finally turns to me and looks at me intensely for a moment before speaking. "You're mine" she says lowly and I look at her confused. She carelessly puts out the cig, discarding it in the ash tray before turning to me again. "You. Are. Mine" she says taking steps closer to me, her eyes visibly darkening.

"Lou, I-" she shakes her head, effectively ceasing my speech. "Whatever we said before, whatever you have to say now... I don't care. You're mine, end of story" she says. Her face so close to mine I can feel her every breath. At this point I've backed myself into the wall, literally.

I gulp nervously as I feel the familiar tingling in my stomach. The feeling I always get when she's this close to me. "Upstairs. Now" she whispers backing away, I open my mouth to speak but she stops me. Raising a single eyebrow and staring me down as if to dare me to utter a word.

I shyly make my way back inside and walk over to Rose. "Umm Rosie..." she turns to me and tilts her head questioningly. "We'll have to uhh... do this another time. I'm sorry" I apologize. Her head shifts slightly as the sliding door clicks closed. I don't need to turn around to know Lou is standing there.

"Of course, pumpkin" she winks slightly and smirks as she turns back to the movie. My gaze wanders to the floor and I turn towards the stairs. I feel Lou just a step behind me before I feel her hand on my lower back urging me forward. "Try not to wake the neighbors" Rosie calls after us, a series of giggles following her words.

"I suppose that's up to you, isn't it, sweetheart?" Lou whispers in my ear as we reach the top of the stairs. My eyes widen slightly and I just keep walking until we arrive at her room. This is obviously going to be a very long night.

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