Are you out of your mind?! |b.f|

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(no kid/husband)

Bernadette and I have been together for almost 5 years now. She's changed so much since we started dating and I'm very proud of her. Not only is she regularly seeing a psychiatrist, but also a therapist. On top of that, she's making plans to go back into her work being an architect.

At first she was really nervous to tell me about it. Explaining over and over, even after I'd said I was thrilled about it, that the hours are demanding. That she throws herself completely into her work and that it'll mean we won't get to spend as much time together. I mean don't get me wrong, I'll miss her a shit ton.

Despite that, knowing that she's getting back to what she loves makes me beyond happy. Now she does have her occasional... slip-ups. Doing things she knows she shouldn't and only realizing after the fact. I know she doesn't mean to and I hate to make her feel bad.

I just feel partially responsible for keeping her on track. She helps me just as much with my mental things. I too see a psychiatrist and a therapist. Though we see different ones, she sees a woman named Charlotte and I see Ellie. It works out really well and we're both thriving in our respective areas.

I wake up with a smile that quickly turns to a pout as I realize Betty isn't next to me. I suppose I may have underestimated her when she said it would take a lot of her time. She hasn't even officially started yet, she's just been working on sketches and plans like crazy.

I swear she's like a different person, I can physically feel the creative juice floating in the air. I go in the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Once I'm done I open up the cabinet to grab my meds. I always keep them in the same place so I reach for the bottle while rubbing my eyes.

I pick it up and it's empty, making my eyes fly open. I turn it around to see the label and I see it's the correct one. There's no reason I should've run out so quick. Betty had her own medicine so she wouldn't take mine... what happened to it? As if a sign from the universe something tells me to look up.

I see every single pill we own in a jar on the top shelf. My jaw quite literally drops and I almost start to cry because it's gonna be hell separating them. Without thinking I rush downstairs and find her sitting in the living room. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I ask in a raised voice but not quite yelling.

"Wow, you could start with a 'good morning'" she mumbles, not looking up from her iPad. "Good morning. What the fuck is wrong wrong with you?" I repeat as politely as I possibly can in my frustration. "What are you talking about?" She questions, her eyes still not leaving her device.

"You mixed all our pills in a big ass jar! I'm gonna have to go through that whole thing and separate them. That's dangerous, Bernadette" I voice. The use of her full first name gets her attention and she turns to me. "Don't. The colors work well together" she reasons, I stay quiet and let her think about it.

Allow her to hear what she said and let it process while I calm myself down. Her face falls as she realizes and pouts a bit. "I'm sorry, baby" she says sadly, "it's ok, Betty. You just have to be careful. We both need to take our medication. What if you reached in and picked the wrong one, or vice versa? We both have different doses and different medications in general" I explain.

"I know... I didn't- I didn't mean to" she stutters, "I know, honey. It's ok" I whisper as I sit next to her and pull her into my arms. "I'm sorry I got so upset. It just freaked me out for a second because I wasn't expecting it" I apologize. "It's not your fault" she whispers sadly, "it's not your fault either. You'll get the hang of it, babe. I promise" I reassure her.

"I love you, y/n" she mumbles, tilting her head to place a kiss on my cheek. "I love you too, my little munchkin" I say funnily as I pinch her cheek. "Eww" she chuckles, "now get back to that hard work, my big bright genius" I say placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm thinking of going for a property in Texas..." she voices quietly, "okie dokie" I reply. "We'd have to move..." she adds, "I know" I chuckle. "That's ok with you? I won't take it if it's not" she says, "whatever you want, baby. I can't wait to see you working... gosh I can see it now" I say biting my lip.

"Aww you perv" she giggles, "whaaat? I'm not a perv. You're just sexy and everything you do is like 10x hotter than when anyone else does it" I reason. "So you think other people are hot when they work?" She asks, quirking an eyebrow, "of course not. I only have eyes for you" I answer, "you better" she mumbles before going back to her work with a big smile on her face.

I make breakfast for us first and then we both work on separating the pills again. Since we were working together it only took about an hour. Half of that filled with Betty apologizing repeatedly and on the verge of tears for at least ten minutes. I stopped her and reassure her that it was ok and I'd do it a million times over for her.

My God, Bernadette. What have you done to me?

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