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part two of 'I dare you'

"I don't think I can go again" she pants as I hover over her and I just smirk, my fingertips grazing her thigh as they pick up the small droplets of sweat that have formed. I lay down beside her, my elbow propped on the pillow so I can still look down at her. "Not even one? Just one more" I stare into her eyes as my hand gets closer to my destination. She twitches and her breath gets caught in her throat as I reach her inner thigh.

"M-maybe one would be ok" she smiles tiredly at me but her eyes are filled with of fiery desire. Without further preamble, I brush her clit with my thumb and she whimpers. I can feel it contracting, she's trying to run away from the overstimulation but with the way she grips the sheets I can tell she's past wanting it. I bring my fingers to her mouth and make her suck them, more for my own pleasure because I don't think she can get any wetter than she already is.

I trace her entrance and she groans, "please... just do it" I bite my lip and push in two fingers starting at a slow pace. I listen to every sound, watching every move of her stomach and twitch of her thighs as she fights to keep them open. "You're doing so well" I whisper in her ear and she whines as her head tilts towards me. I press my lips against hers gently and fasten my pace making her moan into my mouth. "Feels so good" she sighs against my lips and I smile.

I start rubbing her clit hard and fast, having stayed away from it to give her break, I'm ready for my prize. "Oh baby..." she whimpers and I bite my lip as I watch her eyebrows furrow, her eyes sealed shut. She opens her mouth but before she gets a chance to say it, I feel her cumming. "That's it... good girl" I coo and she moans obscenely, her body twitching as I help her ride it out. I get lost in the motion, her body putting me in a trance. I feel her grab my wrist and I slow down, coming to a stop before removing my fingers.

"I think I would've joined the dead had you kept going... I don't think I have anymore cum in me" she laughs and so do I. Considering she did go about 8 rounds, I can see why she's exhausted. I lay down next to her and she takes my fingers, licking her cum off of them. "None for me?" She smirks and pulls me close to kiss me, her tongue filling my mouth with her sweet taste. "Happy now?" I smirk and say "very" to which she rolls her eyes.

She scoots down and rests her head on my chest, her breath evening out. "You're so pretty when you cum" I randomly say, "I mean I would hope so, it'd be odd to look so good any other time and then be ugly during sex" I shake my head amusedly and she chuckles. "I was thinking we could go out Saturday night, a new restaurant just opened up" I suggest and she hums in a thoughtful way. "I actually already have dinner plans..." I immediately frown, she never told me about this.

"With who?" I try to remain calm but a part of me is fearful of her answer. "Friends of mine" she states simply, "oh. Have I met them?" She shakes her head. "I mean I could go, right?" I suggest, being curious as to who these people are and why she's never mentioned them. "No umm... it's a married couple and... it'd be awkward" now I'm really confused. "But you said they were friends of yours... why would it be awkward?" she sighs and sits up.

"Because we're not... well we're..." she stutters over her words and I sit up, staring at her. "We're friends..." she shrugs, "isn't that exactly why it shouldn't be weird?" I question. "But we're just friends and going out with a couple would be... you know" her voice gets a little higher and I take a deep breath. "Just friends that fuck, Lilith?" She doesn't reply and that only frustrates me more. "So... we're friends with benefits but only when it benefits you?" She looks anywhere but at me and I chuckle sadly.

I stand up, knowing that I'll soon become irrational, and I start to grab my clothes so I can get some air. "Please" she begs, her tone sounding stressed and almost desperate. I stop after I've gotten my shirt on and turn around to face her. I can see she battles her thoughts, biting her upper lip as she struggles to speak. "Don't leave..." she whispers sadly, pleading with me by way of unspoken words through her eyes. I sit down and she's silent, so am I.

"I just want to make you happy" she sounds much more timid than normal, "what do you mean?" I turn to her and can see her thinking. "With this..." she gestures between us, my eyebrows furrow and I'm almost at a loss for words. "So you have sex with me to make me happy?" My disbelief is palpable, "no I- I want it and I really... really like it" she takes a pause as if debating what her next words should be. "But I'm not the dating type, it doesn't really... work for me like that" I close my eyes.

I can hear the hesitancy in her tone, how she begins to retreat into herself. "You're still afraid that I'll leave you" I state and she only confirms it by avoiding my gaze. "And dating is even more of an attachment, a label, it would hurt worse" she keeps her eyes away from me and I scoot closer to her, thinking of the most gentle way to approach this. "In my defense, you were about to leave" her walls raise up again and I shake my head as I try to meet her eyes since she keeps glancing at me.

"I was just going to get air, I didn't want to get upset with you" she stares down at her lap shyly, a look of embarrassment growing on her features. I take her chin in my hand and finally get her to really look at me. "I know I'm asking a lot of you when I say you just have to trust me, but you do. I'm not a person that can easily compartmentalize so well and if this is to continue, we'll need to have a talk about it" she looks at me through narrowed eyes.

"If what is to continue?" she asks, "this... between us" I clarify. "I can't just have sex with you and then be your friend. It has to be one or the other" I explain, hoping that I'm being clear enough. "If you have sex with me you can't be my friend?" she smirks, "girlfriend maybe but not just friend, no" picking up the seriousness in my tone makes her smile fall. "I'll give you some time to think, ok? I'll be on the balcony when you're ready" I get no response but I get up anyway and put on my pants.

I open the door and start down the hallway, wondering what she might say once she's processed it. "Don't jump" she yells after and I chuckle in surprise "I'll try" I yell back. As I'm about to pass the kitchen, I hear her footsteps approaching quickly and look over my shoulder to see her running towards me. She makes it to me quicker than I anticipated, fully turns me around, pressing me against the wall and claims my lips passionately.

Her body pushes mine further against the hard surface behind me which only furthers my lack of breath but I couldn't care less. This is way too good to stop so I allow her to continue. She finally pulls away she sighs deeply and I pant as I catch my breath. "I love you" she says quickly in just a breath and a silly smile starts to spread on her face, relief that she's confessed it seems. I caress her cheek and stare at her full of love, a grin present on my features.

"Aren't you going to say it back you little dork? You're already smiling" she rolls her eyes and I smile even wider if possible. "I just wanna savor the moment... so I can vividly tell everyone how you said it first" I tease, "I take it back" she scoffs. "Nope. You can't. I love you too" I whisper and she blushes heavily, her gaze leaving mine before she pulls me off the wall to wrap her arms around me and hide in the crook of my neck.

After months of us playing cat and mouse, it's all been coming to this. I never imagined upon meeting her that this is the path we would take but I'm more than happy that the journey led us here. "Does that mean I can come to dinner on Saturday?" I ask and she chuckles heartily as she steps back to look at my face. "I can see them another time... I'd much prefer that date" she says cutely, "right answer" I joke and she shakes her head before pulling me back to bed.

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