Lady Tremaine x Reader

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I'm off to the Tremaine residence for a routine cleaning, the other maid couldn't make it due to her husband's recent death. I of course understand she needs time to grieve and agreed to take her place. There wasn't enough time to alert Lady Tremaine so I just hope she doesn't get upset because I've heard her wrath is unparalleled. I knock cautiously on the door and what looks to be a cook answers, "hello" he says questioningly looking me up and down. 

"Hello, I'm y/n... I'm taking Mary's place. I'm here to clean" I explain holding up my bucket of supplies. He chuckles and let's me in. "You can leave those there to carry with you, we have our own special cleaning products" he informs me and I blush slightly out of embarrassment as I set my things down.

He leads me over to a living room where Lady Tremaine sits and then leaves without saying a word. She looks me up and down before standing up and walking towards me, "follow me" she says and I walk behind her being careful of my step so I'm not too loud. "Here are the cleaning supplies" she gestures to a closet, "You are to clean the foyer, the dining room; both formal and informal, the guest bedrooms, the basement, and lastly my room" she instructs. 

"Yes ma'am" I say looking her in the eyes, she lightly smiles and nods one time before leaving me to it. I make sure to scrub the floors hard and polish them precisely so I won't have to do it again. I sense she's a woman of perfection and expects nothing less.

I clean the tables and chairs as well as polish the charger plates and various candle holders on both tables. After that's done I go to the basement and sweep, I clean the chimney there carefully so I don't get soot everywhere and I clear out the plethora of cobwebs. 

I wipe off my feet before taking a step back into the main house and then head upstairs pulling a vacuum cautiously behind me along with holding a bucket of various materials on my arms. I start with the closest room and make my way around, by the time I'm at the Lady's room I'm sweating so I take a rag and try to make myself as presentable as possible.

I knock softly on the door, "come in" I hear her say sternly and I step into the room taking in the vast area quickly. "Too big for you?" she asks suggestively and I shake my head, "no ma'am" I reply and she smirks. "I'll just... get started then" I say after a momentarily silence and she nods before slipping a pair of elegant glasses onto her perfect nose. She picks up a book and I break myself out of my trance so I can get to work and not annoy her with my presence for too long.

I start by dusting, careful not to let it fly all around the room and disturb her. Then wipe off the dressers and move her things lightly so I can wipe under them. "Oh dear, would you mind cleaning the armoire?" she asks, "of course, no problem at all" I reply and quickly get to it. "I like you much more than the other maid... what's her name again?" she asks, "Mary, ma'am" I say as I dust the armoire and use a step ladder I brought with me to clean the top. "Right... she's god awful to be around. Her aura isn't as light as yours, y/n" she says. "Uh... thank you" I say stepping down after wiping the top and continuing to polish the wood on the outside.

As I'm about to walk away from it she clears her throat making me look at her. "Inside too... if you wouldn't mind" she says looking me up and down slightly, "oh o-of course" I say shaking my head funnily. She chuckles and looks at me endearingly, she's really not as bad as people say. As I open the cabinet I'm met with an array of breathtaking dresses that I can only imagine look even more magnificent wrapped around her impeccable figure. As I'm cleaning I see a very lacy, very see-through piece of lingerie and my jaw drops open slightly given that she can't see me because my back is turned to her. A knock interrupts my unholy thoughts, "ugh... come in" she says annoyed.

"I-I'm sorry to bother you my lady" a boy says and I turn my head slightly to see him standing with the door slightly ajar and his head pointed to the floor. "Just get on with it" she groans, "The um..." he glances at me and his eyes widen slightly before returning them to the floor.

 "Dinner is going to be about an hour late tonight" he basically mumbles, "How many times have I told you to speak up when talking to me?! It's bad enough that you can't even look me in the eye" she raises her voice and I flinch slightly. "S-sorry miss" he says slowly lifting his head to look at her as his cheeks flush, I giggle to myself and continue cleaning while listening to their conversation.

"No matter. Why will dinner be late?" she asks in an elegant voice, "Thomas uh... he bumped into Ms. Richards and the stew fell. So she'll have to make an entire new pot..." he says timidly. I grimace for him as I know this won't be pretty, "god what's the point of paying you if you're all incompetent imbeciles!" she screams and jump slightly into the door of the armoire causing it to smack against the side.

"Just... get out" I hear her say and the door closes slightly after, I hear her footsteps padding lightly across the room until she stops right behind me. I'm finished at this point so I get off my knees and stand before turning around to face her, "are you alright, darling?" she asks putting her hand on the shoulder I hit on the door.

"Yes ma'am" I say shyly, her touch makes me feel things I know I shouldn't but how can something so wrong feel so right? "Did I scare you?" she asks looking into my eyes curiously, "a little bit" I admit looking away from her. She grasps my chin lightly in her hand forcing me to look in her eyes once more, "don't be... I would never hurt you" she says sincerely. 

"You know- you're not as... cruel as they make you out to be" I say and she chuckles darkly, "I can be at times... I suppose I have a soft spot for you" she whispers the last few words. "Why?" I ask, I notice that her hand has never left my face once she shifts it to cup my cheek, "sometimes the why isn't important" she voices rubbing her thumb softly against my cheekbone.

"All I know is you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and I've been struggling since you walked in the door to keep my hands off you" she remarks lowly. "W-what do you mean?" I ask her, "I have these urges I've never felt before..." she says a little unsure. "Like what?" I ask leaning closer to her, without saying anything more she picks me up by my thighs and carries me over to the bed before harshly throwing me on it. 

She climbs on top of me like it's a primal instinct and buries one of her hands in my hair pulling it back so I look directly into her eyes. "Like this..." she says, staring hungrily at my exposed neck, her other hand finds its way to my waist and squeezes lightly, making me shiver.

"And then what?" I ask shakily, "then... I would do this" she says before leaning down to kiss and suck on my neck. She pulls back and look me in the eyes and her gaze shortly flickers to my lips, "I have to know if you want this... because once I start... I'm not sure I'll be able to stop" she pants. "I want it... I want you" I say licking my lips while staring at hers, she smiles softly before leaning down and capturing my lips with hers. 



I can't write the smut yet but it's literally just been sitting in my drafts sooo

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