Midnight skies |l.m|

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I'm sitting in the living room while Tammy rambles about something I lost track of about five minutes ago. "Are you even listening to me?" She sighs, "sorry, no. What were you saying?" I ask apologetically, "nothing" she shakes her head and smiles.

"No, I really wanna know! I'm sorry I'm so distracted... I have the attention span of a fish these days" I mumble. "Why is that?" She asks curiously, "nothing" I repeat what she said to me. She rolls her eyes and goes back to the beginning after I let her know where I cut out.

"As I was saying..." she looked at me and narrowed her eyes. "Now that I'm a 'free bitch' as they say. I'm ready from my first... what do they call it? Hot girl summer?" She says confused and a chuckle loudly as she glares at me. "No, I'm sorry- c-continue, please" I say trying to calm down.

"Anyways, I thought I would wanna go out and start dating" she sighs, "if you're not ready that's ok" I sympathize. "Oh, trust me, I'm ready. I haven't been laid in weeks and I'm starting to get irritable" she giggles. I shake my head, her statement making me think of how long it's been since I had sex.

It's quite literally been ages, I think it's been about 3 years now. Damn that's sad. "I want love, though. I realized that I'm not a causal fuck kinda person, you know? I get attached too quickly" she admits. "Just like a lesbian" I mumble, "I heard that" she says. "Oh, trust me, I know" I mock her and she nudged me gently.

"You know, you could use a little night out. Try to find someone your speed, I haven't heard you talk about anyone" she spins it on me. "Yeah... I'm not really up for that" I admit, "so we're in the same boat" she slumps back. "Well no..." I say softly and she turns fully towards me.

Leaning in and tapping my leg, "ouhhh you have something... tell me" she exclaims. "I may or may not like someone" I admit shyly, "who? Anyone I know?" She asked wide-eyed, "ummm yeah" I admit. "Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" She lightly bounces up and down on the couch.

"I can't" I tell her and she pouts, "fine, I guess I'll respect that" she sighs. "Can I give you some advice though?" She asks and I nod. "Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars" she says dreamily.

"If anyone, and I mean ANYONE, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky. They will be permanently removed from my life" I say and she giggles. "I mean in theory, like they do things that show they care. That they want the best for you and to show you all the beautiful things in life" she gushes.

"Gosh you sound in love" I chuckle, "but thank you. I'll keep that in mind" I say. Already knowing that I have my mind made up, I'm just too scared to say anything. "Alright kiddo, well I gotta go but I'll see you later, yeah?" She asks and I nod, getting up to give her a hug before letting her traipse off to wherever.

She practically skips out of the room and I shake my head at her energy. I watch a few films before heading up to my room. Quickly taking a shower before laying down and daydreaming as usual. Choosing to read a bit to take my mind off of everything. Eventually exhausting me, and I fall asleep with my phone in my hand

time skip: a few hours later

"Pssstttt... y/n" someone whisper yells to me making me groan and turn over. "Y/n" they say dragging out the last syllable. "Leave me aloneeee" I mumble turning myself face down into the pillow. Begging for oxygen deprivation to knock me back out. "Pleaseee" I hear them say again and I begin to recognize the voice.

I turn my head back around and open my eyes to see Lou standing over me. Her eyes light up as she realizes I'm looking back at her. I just stare at her, confused as to why she's waking me up in the middle of the night. "There's an eclipse tonight... come watch it with me?" She asks hopefully, a big smile stretching across her face.

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