Sit Here |b.e|

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I was browsing for seats in the crowd and upon seeing that everyone had occupied all the seats I just decided to look for somewhere quieter to stand. The bathroom would've been a great option except for the fact that plenty of drunk girls were coming in and out and I didn't feel up for loads of social interaction.

Sounds weird considering I'm at one of the most popular clubs in the city doesn't it? I only come here because of their drinks, they make the strongest ones and that's why they're so popular, that and big shot celebrities allegedly come here.

I stumble upon the VIP section and just stand by the entrance, I'm assuming a lot of people won't be trafficking through here since their drinks are brought to them. The security guard sees me and gives me a sympathetic glance. He looks around before motioning me closer, I act like I don't see him and just pull out my phone.

"Hey, I don't mean to be weird" he says tapping me on my shoulder, I look up and back away from him a bit. "Oh no... I'm gay" he chuckles and I sigh in relief but am still reluctant to get closer to him. "I just wanted to offer to let you in, you look like you'd rather be anywhere else but here and I figured you might as well be comfortable" he says.

I give him a wary smile and he softly smiles back, "I'm Jake" he says extending his hand. I shake it and he smiles wider, "I think there's some fancy lady back there too. She's in the booth all the way at the back by herself. But if you're not up for social things you can sit in the private section next to her, it has a curtain. No one will bother you there unless you press the call button" he explains.

"Thank you" I say as he pulls back the luscious velvet rope and allows me in. "No problem" he says nicely before returning the rope to it's place and putting on his tough act again. I walk back towards where he pointed and go to the furthest room, as I'm passing a room I see the curtain is half open and I discreetly peek in.

I stop in my tracks and fully turn just to make sure I'm not hallucinating. Is it the alcohol... or is that Brie Evantee? She looks up, notices my presence and weakly smiles at me. I stand there dumbfounded before snapping out of my trance and softly smiling back. I walk to my room realising she may not want to be bothered and sit, taking my phone out to scroll.

After a few minutes my drink runs out and my hand reluctantly reaches over to the call button until I hear shuffling and the silver rings holding up the curtain gently scrape against the metal rod. My head darts up to see Brie standing there and I contract all my face muscles to prevent my jaw from dropping.

"Hi" she says still standing on the other side of the curtain, "hi" I say nervously. "Can I sit?" she asks and I just nod, the music in here is a lot quieter, enough to where she would be able to hear me but I'm just too flabbergasted to speak. She sits at a comfortable distance, well I would like her to be much closer but that's not the point, and turns to me.

"You come here often...?" she asks, in your presence yes, "y/n...nope" I sigh. "Me either. It's my first time" she chuckles, "they make good drinks, it's the only reason I come" I say. "I've definitely learned that" she says holding up her drink for a moment before resting it on the shiny black table.

Under the soft light her features seem even more prominent and her voice seems to drown out the music and envelope all my senses. "I'm sorry" I giggle, "for what, darling?" she asks looking confused. "I'm just so... I don't even know. I can't believe you're sitting here talking to me" I stutter out.

"Well believe it, baby" she laughs and I feel myself being pulled into a trance by the mere sound vibrating off her vocal cords. "I'm a huge fan, probably one of your biggest fans" I gush, "one of the three eh?" she jokes and I roll my eyes subtly. "I would fight to the death to be one of your three fans" I whisper but she hears me and smirks a bit.

"Well... I'm glad I met such an ambitious woman" she voices deeply making my insides jump at the tone of her voice. "Any fantasies I should know about? I've heard a lot like me running them over with my car... me stepping on them... other things" she says not elaborating. "Honestly... I would just wanna sit on your lap" I say quietly, "what a simple request" she say shifting in her seat and opening her arms.

"Come here" she says motioning with her fingers for emphasis, who am I to deny her? I scoot closer until she eventually lifts me and puts me on her lap. I sit there not knowing what to do for a moment until she wraps her arms around me. I turn more towards her and wrap my arms carefully around her "is this ok?" I ask her and she hums in agreement.

I wrap my arms a bit tighter and turn my head towards her neck, inhaling her scent and sighing to myself. "Your perfume..." I mumble, relishing in this moment, "Yes?" she responds. "It's nice" I continue, "thank you. I could give you some if you'd like..." she says softly in my ear. "No, it smells so much better on you. It works with your body chemistry very well I think" I whisper.

It's quiet for a while as we just sit there, the alcohol seemingly vanishes out of my system and I'm stone cold sober as the realisation that I'm sitting on her lap hits me like a Mac truck. I back away slowly only to see tears running down her face.

My hands slowly but surely reaches up to her face to wipe the glistening droplets off her beautiful cheekbones. "Why are you crying?" I whisper, "I needed this" she whispers back as she looks into my eyes. "Affection... the look in your eyes... you" she whispers the last word, it sounds like the most powerful incantation as it falls from her supple lips.

I look down and close my eyes as I frame this moment in my mind, burning into my brain like a branding that will forever shape my life. She puts her hands to my cheeks as my hands fall and raises my head so my eyes meet hers.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" she asks me softly as I look at her through my lashes. I raise my head slightly so I'm looking down at her, knowing I'll never get the chance when we're standing. It makes me wish I was taller, from this angle she's even more gorgeous.

"Your beauty puzzles me... your eyes are like oceans, your lips the waves, your smile lines are like the ripples of sand forever imprinted by the changing tides" I whisper. "A person this beautiful shouldn't be confined to this world. You live in the pages of my inner monologue, a book of endless created memories...yet here you are right in front of me. How is this possible?" I ask myself more so than her.

"Is this it?" she asks me hesitantly, "what?" I ask dazed as I stare into her eyes watching them change from a light hue of blue to a magnificent grey as the light above changes slightly in brightness. "What love feels like?" she asks, her bottom lip trembling in such a subtle manner that if I wasn't so close and tied tantrically to her body, I would've missed it. "I think so..." I say.

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